Best of 2021 - Alexa, OK Google, Siri—Sued for Spying

Best of 2021 – Alexa, OK Google, Siri—Sued for Spying

Amazon, Apple and Google will have their days in court, charged with listening to your conversations when you least expect it ...
Security Boulevard
1,000 False Wakewords: A Letter! Buy 200 Toilet Rolls

1,000 False Wakewords: A Letter! Buy 200 Toilet Rolls

Researchers have found a thousand ways to say smart-speaker wakewords, highlighting the privacy problems. Again ...
Security Boulevard
Apple Siri

Whistleblower Says Apple Built Secret Dossier on You, via Siri

Ex-Apple contractor doubles down on warning: Apple misusing audio recordings from the Siri voice assistant ...
Security Boulevard
Hey Alexa, Whats a Phone Book?

“Hey Alexa, What’s a Phone Book?”

Recently, my husband came home from his day at work and during our normal evening conversation, I asked, “How was work today?” His reply was, “It was alright, we had another order ...
Sharks With Frickin Laser Beams ::: Dr. Evil ::: Austin Powers

Facebook Data Leaks, Smart Speaker Laser Attack, BlueKeep in the Wild

You’re listening to the Shared Security Podcast, exploring the trust you put in people, apps, and technology…with your host, Tom Eston. In episode 94 for November 11th 2019: Facebook’s Group API data ...

DoorDash Data Breach, Voice Assistant Privacy Changes, Limiting Ad Tracking

You’re listening to the Shared Security Podcast, exploring the trust you put in people, apps, and technology…with your host, Tom Eston. In episode 88 for September 30th 2019: DoorDash announces a data ...

Android “Ghost Click” Apps, New Apple Siri Privacy Protections, Credit Card Spying

You’re listening to the Shared Security Podcast, exploring the trust you put in people, apps, and technology…with your host, Tom Eston. In episode 84 for September 2nd 2019: “Ghost click” Android apps ...
Image result for amazon echo

Our Devices Listening?

…or is it “are devices listening” to you? Well yes. There’s always a simple answer to these questions and it’s yes. Breaking it down to the basics, pretty much all of our ...
iOS 12.1 allows bypass the passcode to see all contacts private information. Feature? Flaw?

Yes, you should update your iPhone to iOS 12.1, but its lock screen is *still* unsafe

Apple has released its first major update to iOS 12 – iOS 12.1 – bringing a host of new features to iPhones and iPads including dual SIM support, Group Facetime, and for ...
Passcode Bypass iOS 12 (1-Call)

Even with the latest iOS 12 update, your iPhone’s lockscreen is unsafe

Once again, a way of bypassing the iPhone’s passcode lock to expose users’ photos and contacts has been discovered. Jose Rodriguez, who has uncovered vulnerabilities in iOS’s lock screen security on a ...