HTTP/2 Vulnerability: Protect Web Servers from DoS Attacks

In the digital landscape, security is paramount, especially for web servers handling vast amounts of data. As per recent reports, a vulnerability has emerged within the HTTP/2 protocol, shedding light on potential ...

HTTP/2 CONTINUATION Flood Vulnerability

HTTP/2, a widely adopted web communication protocol, organizes data transmission through a binary framing layer, wherein all communication is divided into smaller messages called frames, each identified by a specific type, such ...
Parameters tab in NetworkMiner

Start Menu Search Video

In this video I demonstrate that text typed into the Windows 10 start menu gets sent to Microsoft and how that traffic can be intercepted, decrypted and parsed. The video cannot be ...
PolarProxy and Arkime Logo

Capturing Decrypted TLS Traffic with Arkime

The latest version of Arkime (The Sniffer Formerly Known As Moloch) can now be fed with a real-time stream of decrypted HTTPS traffic from PolarProxy. All that is needed to enable this ...
PolarProxy and Arkime Logo

Capturing Decrypted TLS Traffic with Arkime

The latest version of Arkime (The Sniffer Formerly Known As Moloch) can now be fed with a real-time stream of decrypted HTTPS traffic from PolarProxy. All that is needed to enable this ...
NetworkMiner 2.6

NetworkMiner 2.6 Released

We are happy to announce the release of NetworkMiner 2.6 today! The network forensic tool is now even better at extracting emails, password hashes, FTP transfers and artifacts from HTTP and HTTP/2 ...
NetworkMiner 2.6

NetworkMiner 2.6 Released

We are happy to announce the release of NetworkMiner 2.6 today! The network forensic tool is now even better at extracting emails, password hashes, FTP transfers and artifacts from HTTP and HTTP/2 ...
Laptop, Raspberry Pi, PolarProxy, Internet ASCII

Discovered Artifacts in Decrypted HTTPS

We released a PCAP file earlier this year, which was recorded as part of a live TLS decryption demo at the CS3Sthlm conference. The demo setup used PolarProxy running on a Raspberry ...
Erik presenting PolarProxy at CS3Sthlm, photo credit: CS3Sthlm

Sharing a PCAP with Decrypted HTTPS

Modern malware and botnet C2 protocols use TLS encryption in order to blend in with 'normal' web traffic, sometimes even using legitimate services like Twitter or Instagram. I did a live demo ...
NetworkMiner 2.5

NetworkMiner 2.5 Released

I am happy to announce the release of NetworkMiner 2.5 today! This new version includes new features like JA3 and parsers for the HTTP/2 and DoH protocols. We have also added support ...