How to Inspect TLS Encrypted Traffic
Do you want to analyze decrypted TLS traffic in Wireshark or let an IDS, like Suricata, Snort or Zeek, inspect the application layer data of potentially malicious TLS encrypted traffic? There are ...
PolarProxy 1.0 Released
I am thrilled to announce the release of PolarProxy version 1.0 today! Several bugs that affected performance, stability and memory usage have now been resolved in our TLS inspection proxy. PolarProxy has ...
TLS Redirection and Dynamic Decryption Bypass in PolarProxy
PolarProxy is constantly being updated with new features, enhanced performance and bug fixes, but these updates are not always communicated other than as a short mention in the ChangeLog. I would therefore ...
What is PCAP over IP?
PCAP-over-IP is a method for reading a PCAP stream, which contains captured network traffic, through a TCP socket instead of reading the packets from a PCAP file. A simple way to create ...
Real-time PCAP-over-IP in Wireshark
Did you know that it is possible to stream captured packets from a remote device or application to Wireshark in real-time using PCAP-over-IP? This blog post explains how you can configure Wireshark ...
PolarProxy in Windows Sandbox
In this video I demonstrate how PolarProxy can be run in a Windows Sandbox to intercept and decrypt outgoing TLS communication. This setup can be used to inspect otherwise encrypted traffic from ...
PolarProxy 0.9 Released
PolarProxy was previously designed to only run as a transparent TLS proxy. But due to popular demand we've now extended PolarProxy to also include a SOCKS proxy and a HTTP CONNECT proxy ...
Start Menu Search Video
In this video I demonstrate that text typed into the Windows 10 start menu gets sent to Microsoft and how that traffic can be intercepted, decrypted and parsed. The video cannot be ...
Capturing Decrypted TLS Traffic with Arkime
The latest version of Arkime (The Sniffer Formerly Known As Moloch) can now be fed with a real-time stream of decrypted HTTPS traffic from PolarProxy. All that is needed to enable this ...
Capturing Decrypted TLS Traffic with Arkime
The latest version of Arkime (The Sniffer Formerly Known As Moloch) can now be fed with a real-time stream of decrypted HTTPS traffic from PolarProxy. All that is needed to enable this ...