Manticore GUIs made easy

Manticore GUIs made easy

By Wong Kok Rui, National University of Singapore Trail of Bits maintains Manticore, a symbolic execution engine that can analyze smart contracts and native binaries. While symbolic execution is a powerful technique ...
Look out! Divergent representations are everywhere!

Look out! Divergent representations are everywhere!

By Andreas Kellas Trail of Bits recently published a blog post about a signed integer overflow in certain versions of SQLite that can enable arbitrary code execution and result in a denial ...
MUI: Visualizing symbolic execution with Manticore and Binary Ninja

MUI: Visualizing symbolic execution with Manticore and Binary Ninja

By Alan Chang, University of Oxford During my summer internship, I had the wonderful opportunity to work on the Manticore User Interface (MUI). The MUI project aims to combine the strength of ...

Revisiting 2000 cuts using Binary Ninja’s new decompiler

| | Binary Ninja, Exploits
It’s been four years since my blog post “2000 cuts with Binary Ninja.” Back then, Binary Ninja was in a private beta and the blog post response surprised its developers at Vector35 ...

Reverse Taint Analysis Using Binary Ninja

by Henry Wildermuth, Horace Mann High School We open-sourced a set of static analysis tools, KRFAnalysis, that analyze and triage output from our system call (syscall) fault injection tool KRF. Now you ...

Announcing Automated Reverse Engineering Trainings

Consider our modular trainings. They can be organized to suit your company’s needs. You choose the number of skills and days to spend honing them ...

Vulnerability Modeling with Binary Ninja

Plenty of static analyzers can perform vulnerability discovery on source code, but what if you only have the binary? How can we model a vulnerability and then check a binary to see ...
Ethersplay Demo

Use our suite of Ethereum security tools

Two years ago, when we began taking on blockchain security engagements, there were no tools engineered for the work. No static analyzers, fuzzers, or reverse engineering tools for Ethereum. So, we invested ...