5 Ways to Enhance Customer Experience in E-commerce
E-commerce sales are projected to climb to 10% of all retail revenue for the first time by the end of 2018, with consumers expected to spend a staggering $124.1 billion over the ...
What Is Two-Factor or Multi-Factor Authentication?
Traditional password-and-username authentication can leave users vulnerable. In 2010 Christopher Chaney, a celebrity obsessed cyber-stalker, got hold of a number of celebrity emails. Using data gleaned from social media and Wikipedia, he ...
Why LoginRadius Is the Best Akamai Identity Cloud (Janrain) Alternative
In January of 2019, Akamai acquired Janrain and rebranded their CIAM solution as “Identity Cloud,” a platform designed to improve security access controls and identity management. Before the purchase price was revealed, ...
3 Reasons Why B2C Enterprises Should Use Single Sign-on Authentication
Single sign-on authentication, or SSO, is becoming more commonplace as the digital revolution continues to evolve. With numerous benefits for customers and companies alike, SSO helps streamline user experience, aid movement between ...
8 Key Components of a Perfect CIAM Platform
A perfect CIAM platform needs to be able to integrate more than just people. There are lots of identity-filled business processes and practices, and in the future the number of these is ...
What is CIAM? – Discover the benefits
Customer identity and access management (CIAM) is taking over the customer login experience. There’s more at stake than just registration and authentication. If all you’re getting from your customers when they log ...
Customer Identity and Access Management 2.0: Bridging the Gap of Identity
Customer identity and access management (CIAM) is taking over the customer login experience. There’s more at stake than just registration and authentication. If all you’re getting from your customers when they log ...
What Is Single Sign-On (SSO)?
The question "what is single sign-on?” is one we get asked a lot. To understand this solution, consider an analogy: “Imagine going to the mall, and at each store you must register ...
How Risk-Based Authentication Creates a Frictionless Customer Experience
Failing to securely identify customers when they log in to digital assets is something that all modern organizations fear. Likewise, customers are paying more attention to the risks inherent in the global ...
Streamline Customer Experience with Role Management
Role management is typically part of a user registration system. With it, you can easily define roles for your customers and control access to portions of your digital properties. With LoginRadius Role ...