Alyssa Miller: Charting the Course Through InfoSec and Aviation

In this episode, special guest Alyssa Miller joins the hosts for an insightful and entertaining conversation covering a broad range of topics from social engineering anecdotes involving Kevin Johnson to Alyssa’s journey ...

Aviation Safety and Cybersecurity: Learning from Incidents

The aviation safety sector is the study and practice of managing aviation risks. It is a solid concentration of regulations, legal documents, investigations of accidents and near-miss aviation incidents. On top of ...

Defending Aircraft Networks Against Cybersecurity Breaches

The aviation industry is both vast and complex. More than 45,000 flights and 2.9 million passengers travel through U.S. airspace every day, requiring high-tech tools and extensive communications networks. All of that ...

The Aviation Industry Needs to Move Towards Cyber Resilience

2021 is a significant year for aviation. It marks the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, the worst acts of unlawful interference in the history of aviation. It is also the Year ...

Avionics Safety and Secured Connectivity: A Look at DO-326A/ED-202A, DO-355 and DO-356

One of the major improvements that the avionics industry is undergoing is an Internet of Things (IoT) upgrade. And this is inevitably affecting how airlines approach aircraft safety. From the beginning, safety ...

The State of Civil Aviation Cybersecurity

Technology and cyber systems have become essential components of modern society. Despite the benefit of cyber technologies, insecurities arise. These could affect all systems and infrastructures. More than that, the threat of ...
China accused of running industrial cyberespionage operation to steal US aviation and technological data

China accused of running industrial cyberespionage operation to steal US aviation and technological data

Between 2010 and 2015, Chinese operatives together with hackers and company insiders working at a facility in Jiangsu, China, allegedly engaged in a major industrial cyberespionage operation targeting a US – French ...