7 Machine Identity Management Best Practices For Strengthening API Security

7 Machine Identity Management Best Practices For Strengthening API Security

As organizations continue to adopt digital transformation, the reliance on Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) has grown exponentially. APIs play a pivotal role in enabling seamless communication between different systems and facilitating data ...
5 Ways You Can Prepare For Google’s 90-Day Certificates Proposal And Prevent Certificate-Related Outages

5 Ways You Can Prepare For Google’s 90-Day Certificates Proposal And Prevent Certificate-Related Outages

In March this year, Google announced its plans to reduce the maximum validity period for public TLS certificates from 398 days to 90 days. The change in certificate validity is intended to ...
11 Ways To Defend The Software Supply Chain From Code Signing Abuse

11 Ways To Defend The Software Supply Chain From Code Signing Abuse

Recently, a hacker attempted to install a tool for hacking into a customer’s computer by using a fake code signing certificate impersonating the cybersecurity firm Emsisoft. The attacker attempted to spoof or ...

Reign in Your Rogue Admins: How to Manage SSL Certificates | Keyfactor

As organizations embrace digital transformation and cutting edge technologies, the scale and distribution of SSL/TLS certificates has grown rapidly, creating new challenges. Sami Van Vliet, Principal Product Manager at Keyfactor, and Mrugesh ...