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Oxeye Tool Can Counter Log4j Obfuscation Attacks

Oxeye today announced an open source deobfuscation tool, dubbed Ox4Shell, that makes it simpler for cybersecurity teams to uncover hidden payloads that attempt to exploit Log4Shell vulnerabilities. Many enterprise IT organizations have ...
Security Boulevard
JavaScript Deobfuscation: Hiding Intent to Fortify Bot Defenses

JavaScript Deobfuscation: Hiding Intent to Fortify Bot Defenses

In the adversarial game of bot detection and mitigation, obfuscation plays a key role in delivering long-term efficacy. While client-side scripts containing highly sensitive detection methods are a necessary component for modern ...
Bot Detection Obfuscate JavaScript

Bot Detection: Do You See What I See?

The Importance of Advanced Obfuscation for Long-Term Efficacy - Part 1 It is often quoted that “Security through obscurity is bad practice.” We see this differently. In the highly adversarial game of ...
Deobfuscating Ostap: TrickBot’s 34,000 Line JavaScript Downloader

Deobfuscating Ostap: TrickBot’s 34,000 Line JavaScript Downloader

Introduction For a malicious actor to compromise a system, they need to avoid being detected at the point of entry into the target’s network. Commonly, phishing emails delivering malicious attachments (T1193) serve ...