LLM firewall AI

Exposed Hugging Face APIs Opened AI Models to Cyberattacks

Security flaws found in both Hugging Face and GitHub repositories exposed almost 1,700 API tokens, opening up AI developers to supply chain and other attacks and putting a brighter spotlight on the ...
Security Boulevard
LLM firewall AI

The Rise of the 24/7 Security Scanning Access Point

An astonishing 90% of enterprise data breaches are caused by phishing attacks, costing businesses billions every year in lost revenue and downtime. Rogue devices are often the gateway to such attacks. The industries ...
Security Boulevard
process automation Palo Alto Networks developer security AI felony mdr cybersecurity

How Offensive AI Can Disarm Cybersecurity

As more organizations adopt AI and ML as cybersecurity controls and to detect and deter attacks, cybercriminals are devising ways to use AI as the basis of attacks. “What’s known as ‘offensive ...
Security Boulevard