
Zero-Day Exploits Surge in 2023, Cisco, Fortinet Vulnerabilities Targeted
Nathan Eddy | | 0-day, cisa, cisco, Citrix, cyber threat actors, five eyes, Fortinet, SBD, vulnerability, zero-day
A report from the Five Eyes cybersecurity alliance, released by the CISA, highlights the majority of the most exploited vulnerabilities last year were initially zero-day flaws, a significant increase compared to 2022 ...
Security Boulevard

Cisco Zero-Day: As Bad as it Gets — and No Fix 4 Weeks in
Richi Jennings | | 0-day, 0-day exploits, 0-day vulnerability, 0day, cisco, Cisco IOS XE, CVE-2023-20198, SB Blogwatch, Zero Day Attacks, zero-day, Zero-Day Bug, Zero-day Exploit, zero-day exploits, zero-day flaw, zero-day flaws, zero-day threat, zero-day vulnerabilities, Zero-day Vulnerability, zero-days, zeroday, zerodayvulnerabilities
Keeping us in suspense—It doesn’t get worse than this: CVE-2023-20198 is CVSS=10 ...
Security Boulevard

Broken Windows: ‘Follina’ Flaw not Fixed — For 22 MONTHS
A nasty zero-click, zero-day RCE bug remains unpatched in Windows. Dubbed “Follina,” Microsoft’s done diddly-squat about it ...
Security Boulevard

Stolen Source Code, Apple Zero-Days, Biden’s Privacy and Cybersecurity Policies
Tom Eston | | 0-day, Apple, Biden, Cybersecurity, Digital Privacy, Episodes, FBI, fcc, ios, Podcast, policy, Privacy, Source Code, US election, US government, voting, Weekly Edition, zero-day
In episode 147 for November 16th 2020: The latest about source code stolen from US government agencies and private companies, three actively exploited iOS zero-days in the wild and new App Store ...

Zoom Zero-Day Flaw Allegedly Allows Full Takeover of Windows PCs
Video conferencing software Zoom is again in the spotlight over an alleged critical vulnerability that could allow an attacker to take over the victim’s computer and all data on it. Discovered by ...

Update your Chrome browser now! 0-day actively exploited in the wild
Filip Truta | | 0-day, 0-day vulnerability, Chrome, chrome 0-day, google, Google Chrome, Industry News, web browser
Google has released a new stable version of its Internet surfing software equipped with a patch for a zero-day vulnerability that is reportedly being exploited in the wild. The flaw, if exploited, ...
February 2019 Patch Tuesday – 74 Vulns, 20 Critical, Exchange 0-day, Adobe Vulns
Jimmy Graham | | 0-day, adobe, flash, Microsoft, Patch Tuesday, security, The Laws of Vulnerabilities, Vulnerabilities
This month’s Patch Tuesday is very large, with 74 vulns being addressed with 20 labeled as critical. Fifteen of these critical vulns are in the Scripting Engine and browsers, with the remainder ...

VirtualBox zero-day flaw released on Github; working exploit available but no patch
Filip Truta | | 0-day, GitHub, Industry News, virtual box, virtual machine, Virtualization, zero-day
An independent researcher has turned a bit rogue, disclosing a zero-day vulnerability in the popular VirtualBox virtualization software while expressing deep disagreement with the state of security research, and bug bounty standards ...

Windows Zero-Day Vulnerability Comes With PoC on GitHub
Liviu Arsene | | 0-day, Industry News, Microsoft, unpatched vulnerability, windows patch, Windows vulnerability, zero-day
A new zero-day vulnerability was recently made public following a Tweet from @SandboxEscaper, who claimed to be frustrated with Microsoft and, apparently, their bug submission process. The tweet included a link to ...