Oh! Canada—Truck Protest Donor PII Hacked
Our polite neighbors to the north are revolting. And we’re funding them (in part).
A hack and leak of a donor database has unveiled the identities of close to 100,000 people who chipped in to bankroll the Canadian Freedom Convoy. They include U.S. military personnel, U.S. government staff, and an ex-Oracle, billionaire CEO—I wonder if you can guess who.
Ya-no, not that one. In today’s SB Blogwatch, we politely deke you, eh?
Your humble blogwatcher curated these bloggy bits for your entertainment. Not to mention: Give That Wolf A Banana.
Freedom FAIL
What you sayin’? Raphael Satter and Anna Mehler Paperny report—“Names of Canada truck convoy donors leaked”:
“Appeared to be offline”
A website devoted to disseminating leaked data says … it had 30 megabytes of donor information from the U.S.-based Christian fundraising site GiveSendGo, including names, email addresses, ZIP codes and [IP] addresses.
Distributed Denial of Secrets has a long record of hosting leaked data from right-wing organizations, including the far-right Patriot Front and the Oath Keepers. DDoS said that because the donor information contained sensitive personal information, it would not be making the data available publicly.
A GiveSendGo spokesperson said that the site was still soliciting donations to the “Freedom Convoy 2022” campaign [but] did not immediately comment on the hack itself. The site, however, appeared to be offline.
How? David Gilbert pulls down his toque—“Christian crowdfunding site that helped raise $8.7 million for the anti-vax “freedom convoy” in Canada, was hacked”:
“Swinging from a noose”
The database of 92,845 donors is no longer available on the site, but [I] was able to review a copy of the data. … The leaked database contains a lot of information that was never meant to be shared, data like donors’ full names, email addresses, and location.
While some of the donors did not provide their names … the vast majority did … including American software billionaire Thomas Siebel, who donated $90,000 to the “freedom convoy.” … Also included in the leaked data were the messages that some donors posted alongside their donations. The messages contained over 13,000 references to “God” or “Jesus” as well as thousands of references to “tyranny” … like this from one user: “I look forward to the day you tyrants are swinging from a noose.”
One donor … appears to have donated $25 on two separate occasions … from a Department of Justice email address. … There are also email addresses from people claiming to work for NASA, the U.S. military, the Federal Bureau of Prisons … the Transportation Security Administration [and] the Delaware Transit Corporation (DTC).
Good grief. Kevin Hayden pens an open letter—“Dear Truckers, This is no way to run a rebellion”:
“The stronger form of freedom”
Look, we get it. Nobody likes a pandemic. … Social distancing’s a drag … and finding ways to educate and entertain our children is a haphazard mess. We also well recognize the vital role truckers play … and we thank and respect you.
[But] your grievance list is pitiful. … All because you’re afraid to get a shot. … Most of the online support you’ve gotten has come from conspiracy kooks. … And, of course, white supremacists. [And] your protests are being heavily funded by … an American software billionaire. You do realize when you take money from The Man to protest The Man, that you look like little doggies chasing your own tails, right?
You cry ‘Freedom’ as a trigger word but … it means ‘Freedom For Me, and everyone else can **** off.’ … Liberal or conservative, we value the freedom to live our lives as best as we see fit. But we also understand implicitly that doing stuff for the public good, for the common wealth, for the neighborhood, for the communities we live in is the stronger form of freedom.
Still, at least the protests are peaceful, right? ar_turnbull’s got news for you:
“Assaulted vulnerable individuals for wearing masks”
This is false. … A group of the protestors locked the doors to a downtown apartment building with handcuffs and then attempted to set that building on fire.
There have been plenty of weapons seizures as well as incidents of protestors ramming police vehicles and/or attempting to arrest police officers. Residents of Ottawa are scared to leave their homes for simple tasks like buying groceries because the protestors have assaulted vulnerable individuals for wearing masks.
And even if we escape this incident peacefully, there are the toxic diesel fumes from idling trucks which have been polluting downtown Ottawa’s air for the last two weeks.
As has Darwinian Man:
I’m in Alberta, where the Coutts blockade has been going on for nearly two weeks now. … The Mounties raided the blockaders and uncovered a cache of weapons and ammunition. So much for a “peaceful protest”. And this is receiving funding from … foreigners.
Foreign funding (no question from where or how much) … protestors interfering with legitimate commerce and freedom of movement, threat of violence? Sounds like the sort of thing Jason Kenney [premier of Alberta, leader of the United Conservative Party] will get right onto. Right? Right???
But chaos215bar2 decries use of the T-word:
“This is still not a ‘trucker protest’”
It’s unfortunate to see media still referring to this as a “protest mounted by Canadian truckers” after the protest has been repeatedly disavowed by organizations which actually represent Canadian truckers.
Yes, there are truckers involved. And trucks are big and noisy and put on a great show. This is still not a “trucker protest.”
So … what’s the beef? Here’s glennvtx’s precise precis: [You’re fired—Ed.]
The government won’t allow drivers to cross an imaginary line without submitting to vaccination: an even more egregious trespass of an individual’s liberty than their usual practice of extortion and/or delay.
That’s certainly one opinion. And here’s another, from goodkinja:
“Infected by the alt-right”
These truckers are allegedly opposed to a mandate that says unvaxxed truckers have to quarantine after they cross the border into Canada. But here’s the catch: As they’re unvaxxed, they can’t enter the U.S. in the first place.
So, it’s kinda unclear what they’re really protesting. What is clear is that this thing has been infected by the alt-right. One of the key organizers is Pat King, who checks all the boxes associated with alt-right ****heels.
Meanwhile, NoUseForMonkeys drags us back on topic—and notes the pachyderm in the parlor:
What morons sign up to these sites with their work email addresses?
And Finally:
This year’s Norwegian entry to the Eurovision Song Contest
Hat tip: Mudface
You have been reading SB Blogwatch by Richi Jennings. Richi curates the best bloggy bits, finest forums, and weirdest websites … so you don’t have to. Hate mail may be directed to @RiCHi or [email protected]. Ask your doctor before reading. Your mileage may vary. E&OE. 30.
Image sauce: Dillon Kydd (used with kind permission; leveled and cropped).