How to integrate SBOMs into the software development life cycle

How to integrate SBOMs into the software development life cycle

The widespread availability of third-party and open source software has significantly accelerated modern software development. These technologies also pose a risk, because the external code used by a company has not gone ...

SCA and CI/CD: The Most Delicious Alphabet Soup

In the continuous delivery (CI)/continuous delivery (CD) pipeline, one of the key ingredients to add to the pot is software composition analysis (SCA), an automated process that identifies the open source software ...

Where is Your Risk? Vulnerabilities in Software Development

Organizations are facing a variety of software-related risks, and vulnerabilities introduced in the development process are just one of them. The sooner they can figure out where these risks exist and how ...

Securing a Windows Development Environment

For many development organizations, Microsoft Windows remains the dominant operating platform. Therefore, ensuring the security of these systems needs to be a high priority for security leaders and teams and a Windows ...

Launching a Vulnerability Management Program

Launching a vulnerability management program requires a few methodical steps When President Biden’s executive order shone a light on the need to modernize and strengthen cybersecurity at the federal level, that arguably ...

Organizations Want to Adopt DevSecOps. What’s Getting in Their Way?

Security leaders are eager to move to a DevSecOps approach—and why wouldn’t they be? DevSecOps has been emerging as a key component in organizations’ efforts to build strong security into all the ...

DAST is the future of AppSec – here are 5 reasons why

Outside-in or dynamic application security testing (DAST) has become a must-have for today’s sprawling, ever-changing, multi-tech web environments. But automated DAST can be so much more than a tool – and here ...

Cybersecurity and AI/ML Biases

Cyberattackers and cyberdefenders appear to be utilizing AI (artificial intelligence) and ML (machine learning) to a rapidly increasing degree, if you are to believe the press, vendors’ claims and blogs. So, it ...

Why Do I Need a Binary Repository Manager?

This is an excerpt from Out of the Wild: A Beginner's Guide to Package and Dependency Management, a Sonatype Guide. This is the final installment. (Read part one and part two.) So, ...

Application Security Check Up