Google open source Bug Bounty Program Overhaul

Searching for Bugs in Open Source Code

Let’s dispel the myth first: Open source software isn’t any less secure than closed source software. However, once a vulnerability is found in an open source program, it tends to be much ...
Security Boulevard
CISA vulnerability cybersecurity Atlassian CISA

How (and Why) Hacker Forums Self-Moderate

“Everything in moderation,” the saying goes. But it may come as a surprise that this expression even seems to apply to many of the hacker forums littered across the dark web. On ...
Security Boulevard
attorney-client Uber CISO law Van Buren data privacy Accenture

What the Van Buren Case Means For Security Researchers

The federal computer crime law prohibits “computer trespass.” This includes both “accessing” a computer without authorization, and “exceeding the scope of authorization” to access a computer. If these terms seem vague and ...
Security Boulevard