Apple Safari

Apple Enrages IT — 45-Day Cert Expiration Fury
Richi Jennings | | 90-day certificates, 90-day TLS certificate validity, Apple, Apple Safari, browser, Browser Security, CA/B Forum, CA/Browser Forum, CAB Forum, certificate, Certificate and Key Lifecycle Management, Certificate and Key Management, Certificate Automation, mobile safari, Safari, SB Blogwatch, Sectigo
CA/B testing: Ludicrous proposal draws ire from “furious” systems administrators ...
Security Boulevard

#iLeakage: All Apple CPUs Vulnerable — No Patch in Sight
Richi Jennings | | Apple Safari, ARM, Daniel Genkin, iLeakage, ios, macos, mobile safari, Safari, SB Blogwatch, Spectre, speculative execution, Webkit, WebKit engine
Son of Spectre: No fix for iOS, “unstable” workaround for macOS ...
Security Boulevard

Apple Goes Rogue, Drops Unilateral TLS Certificate Guillotine
Safari will no longer trust certificates that last longer than 13 months. Yes, you read that right; IT and DevOps are spitting blood ...
Security Boulevard

How to crash and restart an iPhone with a CSS-based web attack
A security researcher has revealed a method of crashing and restarting iPhones and iPads, with just a few lines of code that could be added to any webpage. Sabri Haddouche tweeted a ...

Look-Alike Domains and Visual Confusion
BrianKrebs | | alex holden, Apple Safari, CA, CA Technologies,, Computer Associates, Google Chrome, Hold Security, IDN, internationalized domain names, Latest Warnings, look-alike domains, mozilla firefox, Phishing, Punycode, security bloggers network, skype, The Coming Storm, Twitter, unicode, Web Fraud 2.0,
How good are you at telling the difference between domain names you know and trust and imposter or look-alike domains? The answer may depend on how familiar you are with the nuances ...