RSwitch 1.4.0 Released
Swift 5 has been so much fun to hack on that there’s a new update to macOS R-focused mebubar utility RSwitch available. Along with the app comes a new dedicated RSwitch landing page and a new user’s guide since it has enough features to warrant such documentation. Here’s the new menu
The core changes/additions include:
- a reorganized menu (see above)
- the use of notifications instead of alerts
- disabling of download menu entries while download is in progress
- the ability to start new R GUI or RStudio instances
- the ability to switch to and make running R GUI or RStudio instances active
- additional “bookmarks” in the reorganized web resources submenu
- Built-in check for updates
To make RSwitch launch at startup, just add it as a login item to your user in the “Users & Groups” pane of “System Preferences”.
The guide has information on how all the existing and new features work plus provides documentation on the how to install the alternate R versions available at the R for macOS Developer’s Page. There’s also a slightly expanded set of information on how to contribute to RSwitch development.
As usual, kick the tyres, file feature requests or bug reports where you’re comfortable, & — if you’re macOS-dev-curious — join in the Swift 5 fun (it really is a pretty fun language).
*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from authored by hrbrmstr. Read the original post at: