Good Bots Vs. Bad Bots: What’s The Impact On Your Business?
Roughly half of today’s internet traffic is non-human (i.e., generated by bots). While some are good—like those that crawl websites for web indexing, content aggregation, and market or pricing intelligence—others are “bad.”
These bad bots (roughly 26% of internet traffic) disrupt service, steal data and perform fraudulent activities. And they target all channels, including websites APIs and mobile applications.
[You may also like: Bots in the Boardroom]
Watch this webcast sponsored by Radware to discover all about about bots, including malicious bot traffic and what you can do to protect your organization from such threats.
Read “2019 C-Suite Perspectives: From Defense to Offense, Executives Turn Information Security into a Competitive Advantage” to learn more.
*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from Radware Blog authored by Radware. Read the original post at: