Breaking the Silence about Privileged Access Management at Gartner IAM Summit

Attackers who gain control of privileged accounts can have the key to the IT kingdom. They can take over enterprise IT, reset permissions, steal confidential for fraud, cause reputation damage, and introduce malware and viruses. Privileged Access Management Solutions (PAMs) secure privileged accounts, but only up to a point. A PAM solution can ensure the security of privileged accounts, only if the IT administrators accessing the solution have the right to do so.

Do Access Management and Multi-factor authentication enhance PAM?

Access Management and Multi-factor authentication can enhance PAM solutions. By enforcing the right access policies and strong authentication methods when IT professionals login to the PAM solution, Access Management helps validate that only the right people reach the right resources.

For example, an Access Management solution such as SafeNet Trusted Access uses smart SSO (smart Single Sign On) offers user convenience to organizations wishing to step up or down their security by implementing different access policies and authentication methods for different groups.


Privileged Access Management (PAM) is a significant subject in Identity and Access Management and specifically at the Gartner Identity & Access Management Summit 2019 in London March 7-8.

Want to learn more about how SafeNet Trusted Access can prevent breaches, enable cloud transformation securely and simplify compliance for your enterprise? Download the Breaking the Silence of the PAMs infographic and make sure to visit the Gemalto booth # PL2 at the Gartner Identity & Access Management Summit 2019 in London March 7-8, 2019.

*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from Enterprise Security – Gemalto blog authored by Ronni Kives. Read the original post at:

Application Security Check Up