How To Earn PMP PDU Credits

The Project Management Professional (PMP) and the PMI Talent Triangle are registered marks of the Project Management Institute, Inc.

After hours of studying for the exam and years of on-the-job experience, the work of earning and maintaining the Project Management Institute (PMI)’s Project Management Professional® (PMP) is an ongoing responsibility. Like all of their other certifications, PMP® holders are required to follow the PMI’s Continuing Certification Requirements Program as a way to ensure that all those holding the PMP maintain their skills and competencies, so they stay relevant. The keys to meeting these requirements involves understanding your requirements, planning to achieve your goal and taking the time to earn professional development units, or PDUs,

So What Are PMP PDUs?

The PMI’s Continuing Certification Requirements (CCR) Handbook sets out the guidelines for how many units a PMP holder has to reach, over what period of time and what counts as a PDU. Typically, one will earn one PDU for every hour spent on an acceptable professional development activity, with the requirement that PMP holders need to earn 60 PDUs over a three-year period to maintain the credential in good standing.

The certification itself and the Continuing Certification Requirements cycle starts the day the PMP certification exam is passed and ends on the same date three years later. This cycle continues every three years after renewal.

So what is an acceptable professional development activity? Simply participating in activities either by teaching or creating material, or by reading or receiving it, is generally going to be relevant as long as it covers topics related to the PMP domains. However, the PMI lists the following types of learning activities as acceptable:

  • Courses or Training: Instructor-led formal education courses or classes held in-person or online. There are many outlets for these activities offered by (Read more...)

*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from InfoSec Resources authored by Patrick Mallory. Read the original post at: