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Start Creating Vanilla JS WebR Apps With Less Inertia

| | R, webr
WebR has a template for React, but I’m not a fan of it or Vue (a fact longtime readers are likely tired of hearing right about now). It’s my opinion and experience ...

Introducing WebRIDEr: The WebR “IDE”-ish REPL You Didn’t Know You Needed

| | R, webr
The official example WebR REPL is definitely cool and useful to get the feel for WebR. But, it is far from an ideal way to deal with it interactively, even as just ...

🧪 Lit + WebR + Observable Plot: Linking Lit’s Lightweight Web Components And WebR For Vanilla JS Reactivity & JS DataVis

| | R, webr
See it live before reading! The previous post brought lit-webr, to introduce Lit and basic reactivity. Today, is more of the same, but we bring the OG Shiny demo plot into the ...

Linking Lit’s Lightweight Web Components And WebR For Vanilla JS Reactivity

| | R, rust, webr
See it live before reading! This is a Lit + WebR reproduction of the OG Shiny Demo App Lit is a javascript library that makes it a bit easier to work with ...

You’re One JavaScript Function Call Away From Using (Most) WebR R Functions In Your WebR-Powered Apps/Sites

| | R, webr
After writing the initial version of a tutorial on wrapping and binding R functions on the javascript side of WebR, I had a number of other WebR projects on the TODO list ...

WebR Filesystem Machinations & ReefR

| | R, webr
It’s difficult to believe it has only been a couple of weeks since WebR has been around. But that might just be my perception. The spike protein invasion has significantly increased sedentary ...

The Road To ggplot2 In WebR, Part 1: The Road Is Paved With Good Base R Plots

| | ggplot, R, webr
I have graphics working in Vanilla JS WebR, now, and I’ll cover the path to that in two parts. The intent was to jump straight into ggplot2-land, but, as you saw in ...
Screen capture of DevTools showing ggplot2 dependent packages loading.

WebR WASM R Package Load/Library Benchmarking Rabbit Hole

| | Javascript, R, webr
I have a post coming on using base and {ggplot2} plots in VanillaJS WebR, but after posting some bits on social media regarding how slow {ggplot2} is to deal with, I had ...

Almost Bare Bones WebR Starter App

| | R, webr
Let’s walk through how to set up a ~minimal HTML/JS/CS + WebR-powered “app” on a server you own. This will be vanilla JS (i.e. no React/Vue/npm/bundler) you can hack on at-will. TL;DR: ...


| | d3, R, rstats, WASM, WebAssembly, webr
WebR 0.1.0 was released! I had been git-stalking George (the absolute genius who we all must thank for this) for a while and noticed the GH org and repos being updated earlier ...