
Attack Surface Management Vs. Vulnerability Management
Cybersecurity is full of acronyms. So many, in fact, that I would be hard-pressed to find someone who knows what they all stand for or clearly explain the subtle differences between many ...
Frontline Announces Integration with Core Impact Penetration Testing Tool
The post Frontline Announces Integration with Core Impact Penetration Testing Tool appeared first on Digital Defense, Inc ...

Cybersecurity Insiders – 2021 Malware Report
The post Cybersecurity Insiders - 2021 Malware Report appeared first on Digital Defense, Inc ...

Converting NMAP XML Files to HTML with xsltproc
NMAP is a wonderful network scanner and its ability to log scan data to files, specifically XML, helps quite a bit. This enables the scan data to be parsed by other tools ...

Converting NMAP XML Files to HTML with xsltproc
NMAP is a wonderful network scanner and its ability to log scan data to files, specifically XML, helps quite a bit. This enables the scan data to be parsed by other tools ...

Small, fast and easy. Pick any three.
By Seth Hall, Co-Founder & Chief Evangelist, Corelight Zeek has been the darling of security defenders looking to get deep visibility into network traffic. Over the last two decades, Zeek has become ...

Vulnerability Management – The Keystone of Cybersecurity Infrastructure by Frost & Sullivan
White Paper Vulnerability Management: The Keystone of Cybersecurity Infrastructure by Frost & Sullivan In the dynamic threat landscape, organizations are faced with preventing attack and damage to their business and customers. Vulnerability ...
Cómo madurar un programa de gestión de vulnerabilidades
El panorama global de ciber-amenazas se encuentra en constante evolución lo cual resalta la necesidad emergente de que las organizaciones fortalezcan su capacidad para identificar, analizar y evaluar los riesgos tecnológicos antes ...

Microsoft Windows CryptoAPI Spoofing Vulnerability (CVE-2020-0601) – How to Detect and Remediate
Today, Microsoft released patch for CVE-2020-0601, a vulnerability in windows “crypt32.dll” component that could allow attackers to perform spoofing attacks. This was discovered and reported by National Security Agency (NSA) Researchers. The ...

Citrix ADC and Gateway Remote Code Execution Vulnerability (CVE-2019-19781)
Citrix released a security advisory (CVE-2019-19781) for a remote code execution vulnerability in Citrix Application Delivery Controller (ADC) and Citrix Gateway products. The vulnerability allows an unauthenticated remote attacker to execute arbitrary ...