U.S. Internal Revenue Service

Why Paper Receipts are Money at the Drive-Thru
Check out the handmade sign posted to the front door of a shuttered Jimmy John's sandwich chain shop in Missouri last week. See if you can tell from the store owner's message ...

IRS Will Soon Require Selfies for Online Access
If you created an online account to manage your tax records with the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS), those login credentials will cease to work later this year. The agency says that ...

The Taxman Cometh for ID Theft Victims
The unprecedented volume of unemployment insurance fraud witnessed in 2020 hasn't abated, although news coverage of the issue has largely been pushed off the front pages by other events. But the ID ...

A Light at the End of Liberty Reserve’s Demise?
In May 2013, the U.S. Justice Department seized Liberty Reserve, alleging the virtual currency service acted as a $6 billion financial hub for the cybercrime world. Prompted by assurances that the government ...