Do Security Cameras Undermine your Authentication?

For various reasons, many executives and senior team members with privileged status on the network and/or access to financial assets oftentimes need to access corporate IT systems from a public place outside ...

Introducing Zombie POODLE and GOLDENDOODLE

I’m excited to announce that I will be presenting at this year’s Black Hat Asia about my research into detecting and exploiting CBC padding oracles! Zombie POODLE and GOLDENDOODLE are the names ...

Using ATT&CK As a Teacher

Over the past few years, I’ve had the pleasure of welcoming interns on our security research team. One of my goals was to pass on knowledge of security to these folks and ...

The Revenge of the AI Assistants

Disclaimer: Due to a lack of originality over at Google, it’s difficult to anthropomorphize Google Assistant, so our story will be limited to Siri, Alexa and Cortana. Secondary Disclaimer: The horror begins ...

ICS Security: The European Perspective

ICS security is concerned with securing and safeguarding industrial control systems, keeping processes and machinery running smoothly, and ensuring that the information and data shown on the control room dashboards and screens ...

Senator calls on US Government to start killing Adobe Flash now

For some companies eradicating Adobe Flash content is going to be a significant job. And it may be an even bigger challenge for very large organisations, such as the US Government. The ...

Survey: Only Four Percent of U.S. Adults are Concerned about Cybersecurity during Summer Vacation

This summer, my family and I visited a few Arizona ghost towns, and the experience made me wonder what it might have been like to travel across the Old West with all ...

The Current State of Connected Cars: Can we be Secure?

As certain as the changing of the seasons, the drive toward autonomous cars is gaining pace. Changes in the car industry clearly demonstrate that the way we use our vehicles is evolving ...

Intent Vs Reality: Obstacles Keeping the Sec out of DevOps

The DevOps culture and practice has been sweeping rapidly through the technical community. Combining “Development” and “Operations” roles with automation and monitoring leads to numerous benefits, including faster time to market, fewer ...

Secure Guardrails