credentials EUAC CUI classified secrets SMB

Secrets Detection: An Emerging AppSec Category

Applications are no longer standalone monoliths, they now rely on thousands of independent building blocks: cloud infrastructure, databases, SaaS components such as Stripe, Slack and HubSpot, just to name a few. This ...
Security Boulevard

Why Do I Need a Binary Repository Manager?

This is an excerpt from Out of the Wild: A Beginner's Guide to Package and Dependency Management, a Sonatype Guide. This is the final installment. (Read part one and part two.) So, ...

How Do Application-Level Package Managers Work?

This is an excerpt from Out of the Wild: A Beginner's Guide to Package and Dependency Management, a Sonatype Guide. This is the second of three installments. Read the first one here ...

Repository Management: An Easy Way to Minimize Risk

You're probably familiar with JVM, or the Java Virtual Machine. It's a standard diagnostic interface used to test Java software; so standard, in fact, that Mykel Alvis (@mykelalvis) of Array Consulting urges ...