The Unique Security Challenges of Cyber-Physical Systems Require New Security Tools

The Unique Security Challenges of Cyber-Physical Systems Require New Security Tools

Ordr’s See, Know, Secure Approach to Connected Device Security is Ideal for CPS Protection   As IT estates and their attack surfaces grow in complexity, cyber-physical systems (CPS) are getting more attention ...
What Are Cyber-Physical Systems?

What Are Cyber-Physical Systems?

Paradigmatic shifts are often not fully recognized until after they have occurred. Innovations are made, evolutions take place, and then someone realizes, “Hey, this is much different from when it started.” That’s ...

Human vs. Artificial Intelligence in Autonomous Systems

A common goal, as we see in many articles on AI (artificial intelligence) and ML (machine learning), is to make AI/ML systems more like humans. Some claim that humans are much better ...

The Demise of Self-Driving Cars as Such

This is a follow-on column to my May 10, 2021 BlogInfoSec post “Will Full Autonomy Ever Be Realized?” It is prompted in part by the recent decision by the NHTSA (National Highway ...

Ransomware and the C-I-A Triad

In earlier, more innocent (?) times, cyberattacks seemed to be fairly straightforward. You have the data exfiltration attacks, where copies of sensitive personal information and intellectual property are stolen, often without the ...

Don’t Count on Cybersecurity Data

It is a common theme of mine, but one which bears repeating. We collect and disseminate all manner of data, but not so much of data which count. In an article by ...

Will Full Autonomy Ever Be Realized?

Matt Novak of Gizmodo posted an article on April 30, 2021 with the title “Elon Musk Shares Painfully Obvious Idea About the Difficulty of Self-Driving Cars,” available at Elon Musk Shares Painfully ...

Cybersecurity Lessons from the Pandemic – Positive and Negative Feedback

Systems use negative feedback in order to converge to stability and equilibrium (a positive quest). Positive-feedback systems diverge, which leads to instability and sometimes surging out of control (usually a negative outcome) ...

Another Boeing Software “Glitch”

How I hate the word “glitch,” which is commonly used to describe faulty software in press reports, blogs, and the like. In my opinion, it trivializes serious software errors. So, when the ...

Strong Authentication is Good, Unless …

… it results in your being arrested! In her September 28, 2019 article, “Army communication head at Mar-a-Lago sentenced for lying,” Jane Musgrave describes how an army officer in charge of communications ...