Apache Drill

Updated Apache Drill R JDBC Interface Package {sergeant.caffeinated} With {dbplyr} 2.x Compatibility
While the future of the Apache Drill ecosystem is somewhat in-play (MapR — a major sponsoring org for the project — is kinda dead), I still use it almost daily (on my ...
{sergeant} 0.9.0 Is On Its Way to CRAN Mirrors!
Tis been a long time coming, but a minor change to default S3 parameters in tibbles finally caused a push of {sergeant} — the R package that lets you use the Apache ...

On the Road to 0.8.0 — Some Additional New Features Coming in the sergeant Package
It was probably not difficult to discern from my previous Drill-themed post that I’m fairly excited about the Apache Drill 1.15.0 release. I’ve rounded out most of the existing corners for it ...

Apache Drill 1.15.0 + sergeant 0.8.0 = pcapng Support, Proper Column Types & Mounds of New Metadata
Apache Drill is an innovative distributed SQL engine designed to enable data exploration and analytics on non-relational datastores […] without having to create and manage schemas. […] It has a schema-free JSON ...

Driving Drill Dynamically with Docker and Updating Storage Configurations On-the-fly with sergeant
The sergeant🔗 package has a minor update that adds REST API coverage for two “new” storage endpoints that make it possible to add, update and remove storage configurations on-the-fly without using the ...

Connecting Apache Zeppelin and Apache Drill, PostgreSQL, etc.
A previous post showed how to use a different authentication provider to wire up Apache Zeppelin and Amazon Athena. As noted in that post, Zeppelin is a “notebook” alternative to Jupyter (and ...

Two new Apache Drill UDFs for Processing UR[IL]s and Internet Domain Names
Continuing the blog’s UDF theme of late, there are two new UDF kids in town: drill-url-tools🔗 for slicing & dicing URI/URLs (just going to use ‘URL’ from now on in the post) ...

New Apache Drill UDF for Processing Twitter Tweet Text
There are many ways to gather Twitter data for analysis and many R and Python (et al) libraries make full use of the Twitter API when building a corpus to extract useful ...