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memcached, now with extortion!

Over the past week, memcached reflection attacks have taken the DDoS scene by storm. With several attacks hitting organizations across many industries, including a record breaking 1.3Tbps attack against an Akamai customer. Akamai has observed a new trend in extortion ... Read More
Memcached-fueled 1.3 Tbps attacks

Memcached-fueled 1.3 Tbps attacks

| | Web security
At 17:28 GMT, February 28th, Akamai experienced a 1.3 Tbps DDoS attack against one of our customers, a software development company, driven by memcached reflection. This attack was the largest attack seen to date by Akamai, more than twice the ... Read More
Memcached UDP Reflection Attacks

Memcached UDP Reflection Attacks

Akamai is aware of a new DDoS reflection attack vector: UDP-based memcached traffic. Memcached is a tool meant to cache data and reduce strain on heavier data stores, like disk or databases. The protocol allows the server to be queried ... Read More