‘Mission First, People Always:’ A Mantra for Security Talent


‘Mission First, People Always:’ A Mantra for Security Talent

This article was originally featured in Security Management.

The phrase “Mission first, people always” is a common mantra in the military, and it is often borrowed in leadership studies. It’s a vision of success that invests in the success of those around you, a sense of shared mission (the why), no matter your specialty or job. Security teams can’t exist in silos, and security leaders need specific skills to help them reach across aisles and departments. Fostering connections between people and functions may well be one of the most significant markers of success, and without the support of others, you may well fail in your mission.

Often, I’m asked what I look for in a corporate security professional. Sometimes the question comes from someone trying to get into the business or advance their career; other times, it’s someone looking to hire.

My answer can be more complex because many of the characteristics of an effective corporate security professional differ from those listed on a résumé. 

For the complete article, check out Security Management.

Chuck Randolph

The post ‘Mission First, People Always:’ A Mantra for Security Talent appeared first on Ontic.

*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from Article - Ontic authored by Chuck Randolph. Read the original post at: