Enhancing observability with IAST | AppSec | Contrast Security

Observability has become crucial in software engineering as modern applications grow more complex and distributed. The rise of microservices coupled with the widespread adoption of application programming interfaces (APIs) and cloud-native architectures have necessitated a more comprehensive understanding of system performance and health. This movement started in the 2010s and has led to the widespread adoption of observability practices, enabling teams to infer the internal state of a system by analyzing its metrics and traces alongside the logs.

*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from AppSec Observer authored by David Archer. Read the original post at:

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David Archer

David Archer holds extensive experience in secure multiparty computation and information security, trustworthiness, and provenance. Specific areas in which he has worked include applications of linear secret sharing and garbled circuits to data communications and analysis, data provenance and trust assessment in relational contexts, and processor and memory system architecture. Prior to joining Galois, Dr. Archer led the Deep Sub-micron CAE business unit at Mentor Graphics, directed engineering on workstation and server chipsets at Intel, was instrumental in development of the communication architecture of the ASCI Red TeraFLOPS system developed by Intel Supercomputer Division, and participated in the design of multiple generations of custom CPU products. Dr. Archer holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from Portland State University as well as an M.S. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

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Application Security Check Up