Everyman’s Cyber Defence
The following is my translation of “Jokamiehen kyberpuolustus”, Everyman’s Cyber Defence, a short snippet from publicly available document #kyberpuolustus : kyberkäsikirja Puolustusvoimien henkilöstölle (2019) by Laari, Flyktman, Härmä, Timonen and Tuovinen. Source material is encrypted in Finnish and free to download from National Defence University of Finland’s website. I intend no copyright infringement and share this as cyber security awareness material for public interest.
Good practices for personal cyber defence
- Be mindful about information you share about yourself publicly.
- Use long and complex passwords or take advantage of a password manager app.
- Use unique passwords in different services.
- Be cautious and use common sense when opening emails.
- Keep all your devices protected and their software updated.
- Keep personal devices separated from Defence Forces devices.
- (My note: separating personal and work devices is good practice for all of us regardless of where we work. EDIT: I also covered this in F-Secure’s monthly threat report F-Alert March 2023.)
- Use a USB stick only if it’s absolutely necessary and even then run a malware scan on it first.
- Think before you click – shady links expose you to many threats.
- Use your smartphone as you would your computer, same guidance applies to both.
*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from Privacy & Security – Joel Latto authored by Joel Latto. Read the original post at: https://joellatto.com/2022/12/19/everymans-cyber-defence/