EU Cyber Resilience Act: Good for Software Supply Chain Security, Bad for Open Source?


Following the software supply chain attack on Solarwinds and the worldwide panic from the vulnerability affecting Log4j, government and regulatory bodies around the world have been trying to address this looming problem: How do you secure and protect software supply chains as they become a greater target for cybersecurity attacks? 

In the United States, the two Presidential Executive Orders of February 2021 and May 2021 started the conversation about protecting critical U.S. federal systems from cyberattacks. This has since turned into a steady drumbeat of activity intensifying and spreading beyond the borders of the United States and into the private sector.

For example:

There are industry initiatives like the Linux Foundation’s OpenSSF Open Source Software Security Mobilization Plan (which I’ve been a part of) that aim to provide guidance on the topic as well.

Since this is a global concern, other governments are also acting:

*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from Sonatype Blog authored by Brian Fox. Read the original post at: