DevSecOps is the key to achieving effective IT security in software development. By taking a proactive approach to security and building it into the process from the start, DevSecOps ensures improved application security.

It also allows organizations to rapidly develop application security with fewer bottlenecks and setbacks. Some critical aspects of the DevSecOps approach and best practices can help organizations get started implementing this development strategy.

Building DevSecOps for Efficiency

DevSecOps is a more efficient approach to IT security by design. The traditional approach to software development is much more segmented, usually leaving security until the end of the process. This can lead to delays and bottlenecks caused by security problems that pervade the entire application, such as dependencies built on code sections containing security vulnerabilities. Then, the security team has to backtrack and fix mistakes that developers could have caught and addressed earlier in the development process, had they identified them.

With the DevSecOps approach, programmers integrate security at every step of the development process. Collaboration and communication between the development, operations, and security teams allows for faster progress and security vulnerability patching after release. Since they involve protection at every step of the development process, there are no bottlenecks at the end of development. Ultimately, this cooperation builds stronger, more secure applications with a quicker turnaround time.

Best Practices for Efficient IT Security

When implementing DevSecOps, a few specific best practices will help ensure success. These tactics will maximize IT security efficiency in the software development process and after release.

1.   Prioritize Quality Assurance

Quality assurance has to be a high priority for a successful DevSecOps strategy. Organizations can ensure they’re building applications with the most effective security measures possible with frequent testing. QA tests — such as vulnerability assessments — can help spot security vulnerabilities early, (Read more...)