New DarkHotel APT attack chain identified
In November 2021, ThreatLabz identified a previously undocumented variant of an attack chain used by the South Korea-based Dark Hotel APT group. We also discovered new activity on the command-and-control (C2) infrastructure previously associated with this APT group. The new activity on their infrastructure aligns with the type of targets chosen by this threat actor in the past.
In this blog, we describe our new findings in detail, including technical analysis of the attack chain and its components as well as the C2 infrastructure analysis.
Threat attribution
DarkHotel is an advanced persistent threat (APT) group based out of South Korea that has been active since at least 2007. They are known to target senior business executives by uploading malicious code to their computers through infiltrated hotel WiFi networks, as well as through spear-phishing and P2P attacks.
We attribute this attack chain to the Dark Hotel APT group with a high level of confidence due to the below reasons:
1. The multi-layer malicious document which drops a scriptlet post-exploitation.
2. Filename of the dropped file system artifacts such as the scriptlet file – googleofficechk.sct
3. The command-and-control (C2) commands are the same as earlier payloads used by Dark Hotel.
4. Timestamps of the dropped payloads are around the same timeframe when previously documented Dark Hotel APT activity was observed.
Attack flow
Figure 1 below illustrates the full attack chain.
Figure 1: Attack chain
Technical analysis
For the purpose of technical analysis we will consider the document with MD5 hash: 89ec1f32e1bbf794c41fa5f5bc6869c0
[+] Stage 1: Malicious documentThe first stage of this attack is a multi-layered malicious document which defines an AltChunk element to load an embedded DOCX file. The embedded DOCX file defines another AltChunk element which loads an embedded malicious RTF file. Figure 2 below shows one of the defined AltChunk elements and its corresponding relationship.
Figure 2: AltChunk element and its corresponding relationship
The malicious RTF file contains three OLE objects as shown in Figure 3
Figure 3: OLE objects present inside malicious RTF
When the RTF file is loaded, the three OLE objects are dropped in the %temp% directory with the names “p”, “b” and “googleofficechk.sct”. Out of these three dropped files, the scriptlet file (googleofficechk.sct) is executed which is described in detail in the next section.
[+] Stage-2: Scriptlet fileSimilar to what has been described previously by Antiy Labs, the first operation performed by the scriptlet file is to send a Base64 encoded list of running processes to the configured C2 server. It sends a POST request to the URL “http://signing-config[.]com/cta/key.php” with DATA “L=G641giQQOWUiXE&q={Base64 encoded list of running processes}”
The subsequent operations performed by this scriptlet file differ from what has been observed in past attacks.
The scriptlet file in our case performs the following operations:
1. Checks if the directory “%LOCALAPPDATA%\PeerDistRepub\” exists else creates it.
2. Checks for the presence of file “%LOCALAPPDATA%\PeerDistRepub\msrvcd32.exe”. If the file exists, then it doesn’t perform further operations.
Note: This file check is likely performed to detect if the machine is already infected, which also indicates that the threat actor used multiple variations while performing the attack.
3. Releases the IP addresses bound to all DHCP-enabled network adapters
4. Copies the executable from “%temp%\p” to “%LOCALAPPDATA%\PeerDistRepub\qq3104.exe”
5. Copies the executable from “%temp%\b” to “%LOCALAPPDATA%\PeerDistRepub\qq2688.exe”
6. Creates a ZoneIdentifier ADS (Alternate Data Stream) corresponding to the files copied above with the following content:
Note: The ZoneID=1 is written to create the false evidence that the file was downloaded from the Intranet
7. Execute the binary “qq3104.exe” whose functionality is described in detail in the next section
8. Renew the IPv4 address for the network adapters
Figure 4 below shows the relevant scriptlet code
Figure 4: Scriptlet code
[+] Stage-3: Dropped binaries# qq3104.exe
As mentioned in the previous section, the binary qq3104.exe gets executed as part of the operations performed by the scriptlet file. This binary mainly performs three operations:
1. Spoofs the process related information in the PEB structure to pretend as explorer.exe
Figure 5: Code snippet responsible for PEB modification
2. Perform UAC bypass using elevation moniker against the vulnerable COM interfaces {3E5FC7F9-9A51-4367-9063-A120244FBEC7} and {D2E7041B-2927-42fb-8E9F-7CE93B6DC937}
3. Execute the binary qq2688.exe
# qq2688.exe
This binary on execution checks if there is any running process with the name “360Tray.exe” or “QQPCTray.exe” and does some firewall checks. These process names correspond to security software popularly used in China.
The main operation performed by the binary is to register a Windows service which also serves as a persistence mechanism.
To register the Windows service, the binary creates the registry key “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\services\\X” and populates the service related registry values. Along with the service related registry values, two additional registry values are defined with the name “s” and “x” under the same registry key.
Based on the service registry values, it is an auto start service which executes VBScript code using mshta.exe.
Figure 6: Code snippet responsible for registering the Windows service
The VBScript code in turn executes an encoded PowerShell command which is shown in Figure 8 below
Figure 7: Decoded PowerShell command executed by VBScript code
[+] Stage-4: PowerShell scriptsThe PowerShell command which is executed as part of the service execution reads, decodes and executes the data stored under registry value “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\services\\X\\s”.
The decoded data is a PowerShell script which executes another PowerShell command. The command is shown in Figure 9 below.
Figure 8: Decoded PowerShell command executed by PowerShell script
Similar to the first PowerShell command it also reads, decodes and executes the data stored under registry value “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\services\\X\\x”.
The decoded data is an obfuscated PowerShell script which embeds an encoded .NET dll. The .NET dll is loaded and executed in-memory from within the PowerShell script.
[+] Stage-5: .NET dllThe .NET dll on analysis turns out to be the same downloader which is described in Antiy blog. The only changes are in the configured C2 servers and the parameters which are used as part of network requests.
Information about the C2 servers is provided in Indicators of compromise section while the format for network requests is described below:
Request format for data exfiltration:
{C2 server URL}?im={MAC address}&mk=u<c={victim information}
{C2 server URL}?xt={MAC address}&mk=u<c={victim information}
Request format for payload download:
{C2 server URL}?im={MAC address}&mk=d
{C2 server URL}?xt={MAC address}&mk=d
We analyzed the C2 infrastructure related to the IP address of the server hosting the domain – signing-config[.]com. This domain was configured in the stage-2 scriptlet file and used to exfiltrate system information to the C2 server.
IP address = 23.111.184[.]119
Leveraging passive DNS data, we identified several domains hosted on the server with the above IP address and noticed a pattern in the domain names. A lot of domains were created to spoof the names of organizations in China related to the government, education, and political think tanks.
Below are a few examples summarized in a table:
Domain name
Target spoofed[.]
Ministry of Education, China[.]
Political think tanks of China[.]
Beihang University in China[.]
Ministry of commerce, China[.]
Harbin Institute of Technology[.]
National University of Defence and Technology
In addition to this, we also identified several newly registered domains on this server which are used to spoof cryptocurrency projects popularly used in China such as the Deeper network.
The domain, deepersbot[.]network was registered by the threat actor to spoof the legitimate domain, deeper[.]network.
Figure 9: Phishing website
The fake domain asks the users to validate their wallet on the main page and presents them an option to choose from a wide variety of popularly used crypto currency wallets.
Figure 10: Wallet options provided on the phishing website
Once the user chooses the wallet type, they will be redirected to a page which prompts them to share their private key.
Figure 11: Page asking for user Private key information
It uses one of the following 3 ways:
Phrase: A 12 or 24 word recovery phrase which can be used to restore the private key and steal the funds.
JSON file: a password-protected JSON file which stores the encrypted private key
Private key: The private key itself
The table below summarizes the list of domains registered which use social engineering to steal the private keys of crypto currency wallets of the users:
Date registered
Domain name
13th Nov 2021
13th Nov 2021
5th Nov 2021
2nd Nov 2021
Zscaler Cloud Sandbox report
Figure 12: Zscaler Cloud Sandbox detection
Indicators of compromise
[+] Hashes MD5
Scriptlet file
.NET backdoor
# Dropped binaries
# Scriptlet file
[+] Registry artifactsRegistry Key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\services\\X
Registry Values:
*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from Blog Category Feed authored by Sahil Antil. Read the original post at: