Anton’s Security Blog Quarterly Q4 2021

Sometimes great old blog posts are hard to find (especially on Medium) , so I decided to do a periodic list blog with my favorite posts of the past quarter or so.

Here is the next one. The posts below are ranked by lifetime views. This covers both Anton on Security and my posts from Google Cloud blog, and our Cloud Security Podcast too (subscribe).

Top 5 most popular posts of all times:

  1. “Security Correlation Then and Now: A Sad Truth About SIEM”
  2. “Can We Have “Detection as Code”?”
  3. “New Paper: “Future of the SOC: SOC People — Skills, Not Tiers”
  4. “Beware: Clown-grade SOCs Still Abound””
  5. “Revisiting the Visibility Triad for 2020”

Top 5 posts with the most Medium fans:

  1. “Security Correlation Then and Now: A Sad Truth About SIEM”
  2. “Beware: Clown-grade SOCs Still Abound”
  3. “Can We Have “Detection as Code”?”
  4. “Why Is Threat Detection Hard?”
  5. “A SOC Tried To Detect Threats in the Cloud … You Won’t Believe What Happened Next”

Top 5 Cloud Security Podcast by Google episodes:

  1. Episode 1“Confidentially Speaking”
  2. Episode 2 “Data Security in the Cloud”
  3. Episode 17 “Modern Threat Detection at Google”
  4. Episode 8 “Zero Trust: Fast Forward from 2010 to 2021”
  5. Episode 27 “The Mysteries of Detection Engineering: Revealed!”

Random fun new posts:

  1. “SOC Technology Failures — Do They Matter?”
  2. “Kill SOC Toil, Do SOC Eng”
  3. “Anton and The Great XDR Debate, Part 1”

Fun posts by topic.

Security operations / detection & response:

Data security:

Cloud security:


Previous posts in this series:

Anton’s Security Blog Quarterly Q4 2021 was originally published in Anton on Security on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from Stories by Anton Chuvakin on Medium authored by Anton Chuvakin. Read the original post at: