US CSIAC: Cyber Resilient Weapon Systems Body of Knowledge (CRWS-BoK)
Published today (2021/08/20) via the United States Cybersecurity and Information Systems, Information Analysis Center:
‘In this webinar, Mr. Burhan Adam, Resilient Systems Director for Policy, Guidance, and Standards, Angela Lungu, and Madison Rudy, Support to Director, Resilient Systems Policy, Standards, and Guidance, Office of Strategic Technology Protection and Exploitation (STP&E), Office of the Under Secretary for Research and Engineering (OUSD(R&E), will discuss the cyber resilient weapon systems body of knowledge portal (CRWS-BoK) and provide an overview of its capabilities and key features. The CRWS-BoK is designed to provide users by providing up-to-date, publicly accessible CRWS resources directly accessible to users via a web browser. CRWS-BoK also provides a user-friendly, searchable interface and opportunities to provide direct feedback to RS.’
*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from Infosecurity.US authored by Marc Handelman. Read the original post at: