Analyzing an Instance of Meterpreter’s Shellcode
In my previous post on detecting and investigating Meterpreter’s Migrate functionality, I went down a rabbit hole on the initial PowerShell attack spawned by and Excel macro. In that payload was a bit of shellcode and I mentioned that I’d like to return to it at some point in the future for further analysis. I do not consider myself a reverse engineer, though I have dabbled over the years.
PS> scdbg.exe -f shellcode.bin
Loaded 296 bytes from file shellcode.bin
Detected straight hex encoding input format converting…
Initialization Complete..
Max Steps: 2000000
Using base offset: 0x401000
40109a LoadLibraryA(wininet)
4010a8 InternetOpenA()
4010c4 InternetConnectA(server:, port: 80, )
4010d9 HttpOpenRequestA(path: /8Kh89, )
PS> scdbg.exe -s 3000000 -f shellcode.bin
Loaded 296 bytes from file shellcode.bin
Detected straight hex encoding input format converting…
Initialization Complete..
Max Steps: 3000000
Using base offset: 0x401000
40109a LoadLibraryA(wininet)
4010a8 InternetOpenA()
4010c4 InternetConnectA(server:, port: 80, )
4010d9 HttpOpenRequestA(path: /8Kh89, )
4010e9 HttpSendRequestA()
401117 VirtualAlloc(base=0 , sz=400000) = 600000
PS> scdbg.exe -v -s 20 -f shellcode.bin
Loaded 296 bytes from file shellcode.bin
Detected straight hex encoding input format converting…
Initialization Complete..
Max Steps: 20
Using base offset: 0x401000
Verbosity: 1
401000 E882000000 call 0x401087 step: 0
401087 5D pop ebp
401088 686E657400 push dword 0x74656e
40108d 6877696E69 push dword 0x696e6977
401092 54 push esp
401093 684C772607 push dword 0x726774c step: 5
401098 FFD5 call ebp
401005 60 pusha
401006 89E5 mov ebp,esp
401008 31C0 xor eax,eax
40100a 648B5030 mov edx,fs:[eax+0x30] step: 10
40100e 8B520C mov edx,[edx+0xc]
401011 8B5214 mov edx,[edx+0x14]
401014 8B7228 mov esi,[edx+0x28]
401017 0FB74A26 movzx ecx,[edx+0x26]
40101b 31FF xor edi,edi step: 15
40101d AC lodsb
40101e 3C61 cmp al,0x61
401020 7C02 jl 0x401024 vv
401022 2C20 sub al,0x20
401024 C1CF0D ror edi,0xd step: 20
PS> scdbg.exe -vv -s 8 -f shellcode.bin
Loaded 296 bytes from file shellcode.bin
Detected straight hex encoding input format converting…
Initialization Complete..
Max Steps: 8
Using base offset: 0x401000
Verbosity: 2
401000 E882000000 call 0x401087 step: 0 foffset: 0
eax=0 ecx=0 edx=0 ebx=0
esp=12fe00 ebp=12fff0 esi=0 edi=0 EFL 0
401087 5D pop ebp step: 1 foffset: 87
eax=0 ecx=0 edx=0 ebx=0
esp=12fdfc ebp=12fff0 esi=0 edi=0 EFL 0
401088 686E657400 push dword 0x74656e step: 2 foffset: 88
eax=0 ecx=0 edx=0 ebx=0
esp=12fe00 ebp=401005 esi=0 edi=0 EFL 0
40108d 6877696E69 push dword 0x696e6977 step: 3 foffset: 8d
eax=0 ecx=0 edx=0 ebx=0
esp=12fdfc ebp=401005 esi=0 edi=0 EFL 0
401092 54 push esp step: 4 foffset: 92
eax=0 ecx=0 edx=0 ebx=0
esp=12fdf8 ebp=401005 esi=0 edi=0 EFL 0
401093 684C772607 push dword 0x726774c step: 5 foffset: 93
eax=0 ecx=0 edx=0 ebx=0
esp=12fdf4 ebp=401005 esi=0 edi=0 EFL 0
401098 FFD5 call ebp step: 6 foffset: 98
eax=0 ecx=0 edx=0 ebx=0
esp=12fdf0 ebp=401005 esi=0 edi=0 EFL 0
401005 60 pusha step: 7 foffset: 5
eax=0 ecx=0 edx=0 ebx=0
esp=12fdec ebp=401005 esi=0 edi=0 EFL 0
401006 89E5 mov ebp,esp step: 8 foffset: 6
eax=0 ecx=0 edx=0 ebx=0
esp=12fdcc ebp=401005 esi=0 edi=0 EFL 0
? – help, this help screen, h also works
v – change verbosity (0-4)
g – go – continue with v=0
s – step, continues execution, ENTER also works
c – reset step counter
r – execute till return (v=0 recommended)
u – unassembled x instructions at address (default eip)
b – sets next free breakpoint (10 max)
m – reset max step count (-1 = infinate)
e – set eip (file offset or VA)
w – dWord dump,(32bit ints) prompted for hex base addr and then size
d – Dump Memory (hex dump) prompted for hex base addr and then size
x – execute x steps (use with reset step count)
t – set time delay (ms) for verbosity level 1/2
k – show stack
i – break at instruction (scans disasm for next string match)
f – dereF registers (show any common api addresses in regs)
j – show log of last 10 instructions executed
o – step over
; – Set comment in IDA if .idasync active
+/- – basic calculator to add or subtract 2 hex values
.bl – list set breakpoints
.bc – clear breakpoint
.api – scan memory for api table
.nop – nops out instruction at address (default eip)
.seh – shows current value at fs[0]
.segs – show values of segment registers
.skip – skips current instruction and goes to next
.reg – manually set register value
.dllmap – show dll map
.poke1 – write a single byte to memory
.poke4 – write a 4 byte value to memory
.lookup – get symbol for address
.symbol – get address for symbol (special: peb,dllmap,fs0)
.savemem – saves a memdump of specified range to file
.idasync – connect IDASrvr plugin and sync view at step or break.
.allocs – list memory allocations made
PS> scdbg.exe -r -s 2550000 -f shellcode.bin
Loaded 296 bytes from file shellcode.bin
Detected straight hex encoding input format converting…
Memory monitor enabled..
Initialization Complete..
Max Steps: 2550000
Using base offset: 0x401000
40109a LoadLibraryA(wininet)
4010a8 InternetOpenA()
4010c4 InternetConnectA(server:, port: 80, )
4010d9 HttpOpenRequestA(path: /8Kh89, )
4010e9 HttpSendRequestA()
401117 VirtualAlloc(base=0 , sz=400000) = 600000
Stepcount 2550001
Analysis report:
Reads of Dll memory detected (use -mdll for details)
Uses peb.InMemoryOrder List
Signatures Found: None
Memory Monitor Log:
*PEB (fs30) accessed at 0x40100a
PS> scdbg.exe -r -s 444650 -mdll -f shellcode.bin -nc
Loaded 296 bytes from file shellcode.bin
Detected straight hex encoding input format converting…
Memory monitor enabled..
Memory monitor for dlls enabled..
Initialization Complete..
Max Steps: 444650
Using base offset: 0x401000
40109a LoadLibraryA(wininet)
40104e mdll msvcrt> lodsb 77c5cd2f READ
40104e mdll msvcrt> lodsb 77c5cd30 READ
40104e mdll msvcrt> lodsb 77c5cd31 READ
40104e mdll msvcrt> lodsb 77c5cd32 READ
40104e mdll msvcrt> lodsb 77c5cd33 READ
40104e mdll msvcrt> lodsb 77c5cd34 READ
40104e mdll msvcrt> lodsb 77c5cd35 READ
40104e mdll msvcrt> lodsb 77c5cd27 READ
40104e mdll msvcrt> lodsb 77c5cd28 READ
40104e mdll msvcrt> lodsb 77c5cd29 READ
40104e mdll msvcrt> lodsb 77c5cd2a READ
40104e mdll msvcrt> lodsb 77c5cd2b READ
40104e mdll msvcrt> lodsb 77c5cd2c READ
40104e mdll msvcrt> lodsb 77c5cd2d READ
40104e mdll msvcrt> lodsb 77c5cd2e READ
40104e mdll msvcrt> lodsb 77c5cd20 READ
40104e mdll msvcrt> lodsb 77c5cd21 READ
40104e mdll msvcrt> lodsb 77c5cd22 READ
Stepcount 444651
Analysis report:
Reads of Dll memory detected (use -mdll for details)
Uses peb.InMemoryOrder List
Signatures Found: None
Memory Monitor Log:
*PEB (fs30) accessed at 0x40100a
PS> scdbg.exe -v -s 2550000 -f shellcode.bin | select-string ‘fs:\[‘ -Context 2,2
401006 89E5 mov ebp,esp
401008 31C0 xor eax,eax
> 40100a 648B5030 mov edx,fs:[eax+0x30] step: 10
40100e 8B520C mov edx,[edx+0xc]
401011 8B5214 mov edx,[edx+0x14]
401006 89E5 mov ebp,esp
401008 31C0 xor eax,eax
> 40100a 648B5030 mov edx,fs:[eax+0x30] step: 178605
40100e 8B520C mov edx,[edx+0xc]
401011 8B5214 mov edx,[edx+0x14]
401006 89E5 mov ebp,esp step: 718215
401008 31C0 xor eax,eax
> 40100a 648B5030 mov edx,fs:[eax+0x30]
40100e 8B520C mov edx,[edx+0xc]
401011 8B5214 mov edx,[edx+0x14]
401006 89E5 mov ebp,esp step: 1262515
401008 31C0 xor eax,eax
> 40100a 648B5030 mov edx,fs:[eax+0x30]
40100e 8B520C mov edx,[edx+0xc]
401011 8B5214 mov edx,[edx+0x14]
401006 89E5 mov ebp,esp
401008 31C0 xor eax,eax
> 40100a 648B5030 mov edx,fs:[eax+0x30]
40100e 8B520C mov edx,[edx+0xc] step: 1809940
401011 8B5214 mov edx,[edx+0x14]
401006 89E5 mov ebp,esp step: 2357005
401008 31C0 xor eax,eax
> 40100a 648B5030 mov edx,fs:[eax+0x30]
40100e 8B520C mov edx,[edx+0xc]
401011 8B5214 mov edx,[edx+0x14]
401006 89E5 mov ebp,esp step: 2506045
401008 31C0 xor eax,eax
> 40100a 648B5030 mov edx,fs:[eax+0x30]
40100e 8B520C mov edx,[edx+0xc]
What have we learned?
PS> scdbg.exe -s 54465000 -api -f .\shellcode.bin -nc
Loaded 296 bytes from file .\shellcode.bin
Detected straight hex encoding input format converting…
Initialization Complete..
Max Steps: 54465000
Using base offset: 0x401000
40109a LoadLibraryA(wininet)
4010a8 InternetOpenA()
4010c4 InternetConnectA(server:, port: 80, )
4010d9 HttpOpenRequestA(path: /8Kh89, )
4010e9 HttpSendRequestA()
401117 VirtualAlloc(base=0 , sz=400000) = 600000
*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from trustedsignal -- blog authored by davehull. Read the original post at: