Tripwire’s General Manager of Industrial Cybersecurity, Kristen Poulos, discusses the risks that come with the increasing number of connected devices operating on the plant floor and throughout facilities. In this episode, Kristen shares how IT can partner with OT to protect the safety, productivity, and quality of operations.

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The following is an edited excerpt from a recent episode of Tripwire’s Cybersecurity Podcast.

Tim Erlin: Welcome everyone to the Tripwire Cybersecurity Podcast. I’m Tim Erlin, vice president of product management and strategy at Tripwire. And today I am joined by Kristen Poulos, who is our GM of industrial cybersecurity. We’re here to talk about industrial cybersecurity. Why are we having this conversation now?

Kristen Poulos: Yeah, it’s relevant now because there’s risk now. I’m sure most of the followers of this topic now understand that this so-called air gap between the industrial world and the outside world has been eliminated. But I also think it’s important to understand why this has happened. So the “next industrial revolution” might be used to describe this theme of increasingly connected devices on the plant floor. And these devices speak traditional IT, not OT protocols. And many can communicate with the outside world.

This is a great thing. But it means that significantly more data while being made available can help users make better decisions. It also means that this door has been opened for malicious outsiders. So with all the promise of the efficiencies of industry 4.0, cybersecurity maturity has to increase in accordance. And that’s why it’s important to talk about industrial cybersecurity right now.

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TE: OT and ICS environments have really been separate (Read more...)