Work From Home, Securely

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Working from home went from a luxury to a necessity in most parts of the world this month. For CISOs around the world, this brings various security challenges. 

Working from home or from personal devices increases security risks. For example:

Let’s look at how a cloud access security broker (CASB) can provide security for remote workers accessing data in the cloud:

  • Shadow IT: Identify the set of cloud applications used by remote workers to ensure sensitive corporate data is not uploaded to high-risk applications.
  • Scalability: Scalability of a cloud solution impacts the productivity of remote workers. Slow access to data can turn off employees and make them unproductive. Bitglass leverages the AWS Infrastructure to provide polyscale to handle massive incoming load or stress in minutes to seconds instead of days to hours.
  • Unmanaged devices: Reverse proxy technology enables remote users to work on their personal devices securely without the need for software agents. The technology also ensures that the users’ privacy is not compromised.
  • Managed devices: Forward proxy technology controls the use of cloud applications and web browsing on company issues devices, to protect against threats and data exfiltration.
  • Threat Protection: Strong malware protection is important as there has been a spike in attacks on healthcare and government institutions by hackers to prevent phishing and other attacks. Bitglass leverages Cylance and Crowdstrike malware protection capabilities to prevent such attacks.
  • UEBA: Protection of data from being downloaded onto unprotected devices using strong contextual access control policies.

Drink plenty of water and stay safe!

To learn about cloud access security brokers (CASBs) and how they can protect your enterprise from data leakage, malware, and more, reach out to use and schedule a demo. 

Request Demo

*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from Bitglass Blog authored by Amit Singh. Read the original post at: