Glass Class: High-performance Security – The PolyScale Architecture

How do cloud security architectural design decisions affect vendors’ ability to provide a performant, scalable, and reliable platform?

Take the example of an offsite meeting.  Thousands of normally geographically dispersed employees converge on a single location for a few days.  Other cloud security solutions built on the appliance model cannot scale to meet the dynamic demand profile. 

Another example would be if a natural event such as an outbreak caused the workforce to disperse.  As almost all employees work from outside the office, solutions based on the appliance model that is predicated on static, deterministic user behaviors will not be able to adapt as their resources are centrally controlled and not scalable.


For the Bitglass Cloud Protection Platform, user location is not relevant as the Polyscale architecture allows for the correct components to be activated when and where they are needed to secure your cloud without compromising on performance or user experience. 

Each component of the Bitglass Cloud Protection Platform is intelligent.  It knows when load is increasing and can dynamically spin up more instances of itself, ensuring that high performing, low latency protection is provided to the user.  The Bitglass Cloud Protection Platform doesn’t just auto-scale based on load, but it learns and adapts to the patterns of workflow and security requirements of each customer in each location.



For information about how CASBs like Bitglass help secure data, download the Top CASB Use Cases below.

Top CASB Use Cases


*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from Bitglass Blog authored by Mike Schuricht. Read the original post at:

Application Security Check Up