One thing I have noticed is that each industry comes up with their own terms and acronyms. Unfortunately, these inventions often vary depending on the person you speak to due to a lack of a governing body that decides on an exact definition. At times, acronyms can even overlap, causing further confusion. Therefore, when it comes to definitions, I always look to ask a variety of persons from across industries on how they would define certain terms. In fact, I took to Twitter and asked those in the industry to submit some responses to a study conducted on Survey Monkey a few results are below. (If you would like to add your definition(s), the survey is still open here) The survey results are presented below.

How would you define DevOps?

  • “It is supposedly a culture where dev and ops work side by side to deliver digital products within a timeframe that brings value to the business.” –anonymous
  • DevOps is a combination of practices and tools that help an organization increase its capacity to evolve and improve products continuously and efficiently as well as to deliver IT services at high velocity.” –Zied TURKI

The above definitions were of interest to me because the first conceptualization separates the development team from the operations whereas the second viewpoint discusses the development team and their practices. To me, DevOps is essentially a team of developers designing, building, deploying, and maintaining software of any kind. The goal of this team is to do this efficiently and in a manner that’s aligned with a set standard decided by the organization. Speed is a piece of this, security another, but it’s the holistic approach through which the developers proceed that is important here.

How would you define NetOps?