4 Ways to Improve Cybersecurity Posture
Cybersecurity threats present a growing and dynamic challenge for businesses of all sizes. Unfortunately, they are commonplace occurrences as Forbes notes that 60% of the organizations surveyed had been breached in the last two years and 31% had been breached more than once. Threats organizations face may range from the headline-grabbing data breach to malware, downtime, and the loss of operational efficiency. In this blog, we’ll discuss four ways to help improve an organization’s cybersecurity posture.
Implementing cybersecurity practices often presents distinct resource and organizational challenges. These challenges grow at a pace with the changing size and complexity of the business. The following steps may help companies to improve their cybersecurity practices and achieve a new level of security readiness.
Though it tends to be the least popular, providing knowledge-based information/training isn’t just an item to check on an annual list.
Periodic training of all (Read more...)
*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from Cimcor Blog authored by Jacqueline von Ogden. Read the original post at: https://www.cimcor.com/blog/4-ways-to-improve-cybersecurity-posture