One cannot underestimate the effect that the ongoing skills gap is having on organizations’ digital security strategies. Gartner estimates that the global number of unfilled digital security positions is expected to grow to 1.5 million by 2020. Reflecting this trend, more than 70 percent of organizations feel that hiring skilled infosec personnel became harder between 2017 and 2019.

Organizations know that a robust security workforce is instrumental in identifying vulnerabilities, managing secure configurations and responding to security issues in a timely manner. But they also realize that they need to address their security requirements regardless. In response, an equal percentage of organizations are committed to hiring more people with security expertise as well as turning to more managed services going into the future.

This explains the emergence of Security as a Service (SECaaS).

Putting SECaaS into Perspective

Techopedia defines SECaaS as “a cloud computing model that delivers managed security services over the internet.” It’s like software as a service (SaaS) in that cloud-based provider hosts all IT infrastructure and applications of what they’re offering. Unlike SaaS, however, SECaaS is limited to information security services only.

Organizations who decide to go with an SECaaS provider can reap several benefits. Forcepoint identifies just a few of these:

  • Reduced costs and greater agility: Organizations can purchase a subscription tier offered by a SECaaS provider. This model lets organizations change their plans as they grow, as their security needs change and as the threat landscape continues to evolve.
  • Latest tools and updates: Speaking of the evolving threat landscape, organizations need all the latest tools to keep up with new attacks. SECaaS plans give organizations access to these new solutions across all of their servers, computers and devices.
  • Liberated resources: In the knowledge that a trusted provider is managing their (Read more...)