Hacking cars, getting arrested and a career in cybersecurity

Alissa Knight, senior analyst at Aite Group, discusses her work penetration testing connected cars and the ups and downs of her security career, from getting arrested for hacking as a teenager to becoming a senior security analyst and her upcoming book on hacking modern vehicles.

In the podcast, Knight and host Chris Sienko discuss:

– How far back does your interest in computers and security go? (1:45)
– What government entity did you hack into and why did you do it? (2:40)
– Can you tell us about the career path of a senior security analyst? (7:45)
– Was most of your learning self-taught? (11:35)
– Do you still get a chance to much penetration testing or hands-on cybersecurity work in your day-to-day activities? (14:35)
– What’s the most challenging case or security problem you’ve ever worked on? (15:35)
– What are some of the most common attack vectors being used to hack connected cars? (18:35)
– What are some preventative measures that aren’t being implemented as widely as they should be? (21:50)
– Are security products available to the average connected car buyer? (24:05)
– If you had your way, would you make these types of safety upgrades a mandatory requirement? (25:25)
– Are there any resources for connected car owners to see how secure their car is? (27:05)
– What are the issues related to vehicle-to-vehicle security? (32:10)
– Are vehicle-to-vehicle security solutions attainable when factoring in financials and the bottom line of organizations? (36:25)
– Are there cybersecurity jobs related to addressing these connected car issues? (38:50)
– What are your strategies or recommendations for getting women into cybersecurity? (43:50)
– What are the security challenges you see on the horizon (Read more...)

*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from Infosec Resources authored by Jeff Peters. Read the original post at: