RSAC 2019 APJ Ambassador Q&A: Mihoko Matsubara
In cybersecurity, more knowledge means more protection. But let’s be honest, staying smart is a lot of work. It means going out of your way to meet experts and find credible resources. Or, you could just come to RSA Conference 2019 Asia Pacific & Japan and get all the intel you need in one place. The region’s largest cybersecurity event, RSAC 2019 APJ is where great minds meet to discuss AI, global cyber-warfare, and more of the year’s pressing topics. But we go much deeper than the headlines. We’ll dive into some of the industry’s most obscure and complex topics, help you gain real skills with hands-on courses, and give you access to some true pioneers in their fields. We put this all together so you can get the most accurate and relevant information possible.
RSAC 2019 APJ is just around the corner, so we spoke with a number of industry experts who will be joining us as session speakers for the inside scoop on session content, the preparation process, and what they are looking forward to when they arrive in Singapore.
First up, hear from RSAC APJ Ambassador, Mihoko Matsubara.
You have attended and spoken at RSAC a number of times — what are you looking forward to most at RSAC 2019 APJ?
While NTT is committed to contribute to global cyber resiliency build-up, it cannot be achieved on our own. Global cooperation is crucial. We are keen to expand our collaboration in the Asia-Pacific region and share our experiences in Japan with peers. RSAC APJ always provides participants wonderful opportunities to network with and learn from Asia-Pacific cybersecurity thought leaders. I look forward to meeting peers and working together to improve cybersecurity in the region.
What regional topic do you look forward to discussing with peers?
I look forward to discussing how to move forward cybersecurity public-private partnerships, how to facilitate intra-regional collaboration with high diversity, and what roles Japan should play for Asia-Pacific cybersecurity with peers. Since RSAC APJ is a superb platform to meet experts from government and industry, I cannot wait for such discussions.
What do you get out of RSAC APJ that is unique to this Conference?
I am keen to learn about policy and technical insights of cybersecurity. RSAC APJ is well positioned to attract thought leaders at both policy and technical levels from the region. Unless academia, government, and industry closely work together and frankly discuss their interests and concerns, it is impossible to deploy innovation and technology to the market timely and make practical policy and legislation.
Which speaker or keynote are you excited to hear?
I am excited to listen to the opening keynote by Mr. Amrin Amin, Senior Parliamentary Secretary for Singapore Ministry of Home Affairs and Ministry of Health, and the SANS panel session about “The Five Most Dangerous New Attack Techniques and How to Counter Them.” Both of them will educate me about the latest trends to protect IT assets and critical infrastructure.
What is the topic of your session?
An NTT colleague of mine, Yuji Furusawa, and I will present “How to Make Successful Cybersecurity Public-Private Partnerships.” This session aims to share some public-private partnerships driven by government and industry to share cyber threat intelligence or best practices, conduct cyber exercises, or take botnet down.
How are you preparing for your session?
We have been remotely working together to prepare for our talk since I have been traveling internationally. Because this is the first time for me to give a co-presentation with a colleague of mine from Japan, we are excited to share Japanese industry perspectives with Asia-Pacific peers and looking forward to having their feedback to bring back to Japan.
What skills/info will those who attend your session walk away with?
Our session aims to share lessons learned from several cybersecurity public-private partnerships led by government and industry. Hopefully, participants will walk away with steps to take to launch or make successful cybersecurity public-private partnerships to have two-way fruitful discussions.
Check back on the RSAC blog soon to hear more from our RSAC APJ ambassadors!
*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from RSAConference Blogs RSS Feed authored by RSAC Editorial Team. Read the original post at: http://www.rsaconference.com/blogs/rsac-2019-apj-ambassador-qa-mihoko-matsubara