Our 2018 Update for “Endpoint Detection and Response Architecture and Operations Practices” Publishes

Our main EDR document (“Endpoint Detection and Response Architecture and Operations Practices”) was just updated by Jon Amato, and it looks much better now. The abstract states “’Increasing complexity and frequency of attacks elevate the need for detection of attacks and incident response, all at enterprise scale. Technical professionals can use endpoint detection and response tools to speedily investigate security incidents and detect malicious activities and behaviors.”

A few of my favorite quotes are:

  • “Extracting the full value of EDR tools demands mature security operations and IR processes. Organizations not prepared to handle the large volume of alerts produced by EDR tools may wish to consider a managed EDR service.” [reminder: a managed EDR is a type of MDR, while not every MDR uses EDR]
  • “EDR tools are also not malware-centric; they reflect a broader focus on all threats affecting endpoints, rather than the more narrow coverage of malware detection and prevention, as is the case for traditional anti-malware tools.” [this is obvious to many, but a useful reminder to some]
  • “This combination of EDR and advanced anti-malware [from one vendor] is so pervasive that many Gartner clients conflate the two tools, treating EDR as synonymous with advanced machine learning-type anti-malware. This is incorrect. EDR and EPP (including advanced anti-malware) are still two separate pieces of technology that happen to be found very commonly in the same product and platform.”
  • “Most EDR business cases seen by Gartner for Technical Professionals were focused on: Saving on IR costs | Detecting threats faster and better | Enabling wider and deeper endpoint visibility”
  • “EDR users need not assume that all data coming from the compromised endpoints is wrong, only that it needs to be verified through other means (such as network monitoring) and cross-referenced by different types of information (such as verification of the list of running processes by means of direct memory read)”


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*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from Anton Chuvakin authored by Anton Chuvakin. Read the original post at: