AWS Lambda Security Best-Practices eBook

PureSec releases a security awareness and education guide for organizations developing serverless applications on AWS Lambda

As serverless adoption is expected to continue growing in 2019 and reach new audiences, ebook-1PureSec sees the importance of education on how to build robust, secure and reliable AWS Lambda serverless applications. We are certain that this eBook will help with creating the required security foundation and will provide teams with the basic skills related to serverless security for AWS Lambda.

The topics covered in the eBook are:

  • AWS Lambda overview
  • Serverless security
  • Top risks in serverless security
  • Identity and access management for AWS Lambda
  • Logging & audit trails for AWS Lambda
  • Scalability and how to avoid Denial-of-Service in AWS Lambda
  • Compliance and governance for AWS Lambda with AWS Config
  • API Gateway security
  • PureSec serverless security platform

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*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from PureSec Blog (Launch) authored by PureSec Team. Read the original post at: