Women in Information Security: Monica Jain
Last time, I got the opportunity to speak with Jessica Hebenstreit. Not only is she a senior security consultant who has had a lot of different roles; she’s also the chief Operating Officer of the Diana Initiative. I learned a lot from our discussion.
This time, I got to speak with Monica Jain, co-founder of LogicHub Inc. It takes a lot of hard work to run such a successful company, and she taught me a bit about SIEM.
Kim Crawley: Hi Monica! Please tell me about what you do and how you got there.
Monica Jain: I am a co-founder of a security company named LogicHub Inc. How I got here is a journey of 18 years since I have been building and managing security products including leading SIEM products like ArcSight ESM. I always had passion to talk to my security customers, listening to their pain points and understanding why it is a pain point for them. Lot of times, customer don’t tell you what to build but they tell you their pain points. If you listen with keen interest and focus, you will start imagining a product. LogicHub was born out of those learnings from my security customers over last 18 years.
KC: SIEM sure has evolved in the past decade or so. Can you explain how?
MJ: SIEM in 2000 started with one mission, which was to collect data from various security tools, normalize the data in one common format and then be able to ask questions from that data in real time. From there on, SIEM evolved into ability to do deeper correlations across multiple data points to detect advanced sophisticated attacks. Around 2006, SIEM also evolved to be able to handle large data sets to do historical analysis along (Read more...)
*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from The State of Security authored by Tripwire Guest Authors. Read the original post at: https://www.tripwire.com/state-of-security/off-topic/women-information-security-monica-jain/