Cooperation between Humans and Artificial Intelligence in the Name of Security

Artificial intelligence as a term dates back to the 1950s, but only recently is coming into prominence because of the rapid advance of science and technology in the last decade or so.

AI is software (or a robot) that can display some sort of a cognitive, learning, and decision-making process akin to a real human’s cognitive, learning, and decision-making process. AI is a contradiction because it strives to make man-made appliances mixed up with software solve simple problems, most of which are mundane, human tasks, while at the same time constantly trying to push the technology barrier beyond human capability. Concerning this point, let us see the 3 types of AI:

  1. Artificial Narrow Intelligence – as of this writing, and as far as I am aware of, this is the only AI that humanity has achieved. These AIs are good at performing a single task, for example, playing chess or image recognition. Google’s translation engine is a product based on ANI.
  2. Artificial General Intelligence – that is a human level intelligence, and it would be a giant leap for the robots, and hopefully for humans, too. Nevertheless, AGI is a very difficult state for computers to achieve because they must acquire abstract thinking skills and be able to come up with creative ideas.
  3. Artificial Super Intelligence – it is the phase where AI is much more creative and smart than any human brain, perhaps even the brain power of all human beings combined. While the distance between ANI and AGP may be huge, the majority of scientists consider the transition period between AGI and ASI would be very short – an almost instant development of the world’s most advanced species.

In the light of the fact that now robots can compose classical music, the philosopher of music Stephen Davies, (Read more...)

*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from InfoSec Resources authored by Dimitar Kostadinov. Read the original post at: