Many people view the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 as unnecessary and burdensome, but its introduction has had a dramatic impact on reducing accidents in the workplace, particularly within industrial settings. Today, it controls the safety of equipment used on process plants, the time professional drivers may spend behind the wheel, and even how long someone can stare at a computer screen for.

When you walk onto an oil and gas site, the success of this health and safety message really becomes clear. Safety is usually the first thing visitors are told about when entering a site, and anyone who comes through the door is given a health and safety induction before they gain access.

What’s more, people in these environments are extremely clear about what they can and can’t do in terms of safe behaviours. Employees are empowered by this knowledge and act as safety ambassadors within a site.

Cybersecurity is now a global issue, affecting companies of all sizes and every employee at all levels of a business. The time is now for enterprises to see this issue as an important consideration when it comes to health and safety.

In fact, in today’s connected era – where the Internet of Things enables everything from smart fridges to connected pacemakers – it could be argued that security and safety now go hand-in-hand.

Businesses should pay the same care and attention to cyber security as they do to the Health and Safety Act if they are to prevent the serious damage that could be caused by a successful cyber-attack. When it comes to critical infrastructure, cyber risks aren’t limited to damaging a company’s reputation or losing customer data but could potentially jeopardise individual safety, too.

Why should you boost cybersecurity in the workplace?

Cybersecurity is increasingly important in the (Read more...)