Best of the Week – 21 Ottobre 2012

This week, for some “logistical” reasons, I had to publish my “Best of the Week” a day in advance. Luckily, I had already gathered a lot of interesting security materials that you can read below.

Hope you enojoy it!

So, this week we serve… 5 security papers

Microsoft Security ‏@msftsecurity Everything you ever wanted to know about rootkits… Download the paper now.  (cc: @MSFTmmpc) #InfoSec

APWG ‏@APWG Our latest trends report shows cybercrime gangs continue to target more and more companies.


Marco Thorbruegge ‏@mthorbruegge RT @teamcymru: Communication Among Incident Responders – A study

The Honeynet Project ‏@ProjectHoneynet HP Annual Report 2012 released: Each year, the Honeynet Project summarizes its activities and activities of its …

Alan Woodward ‏@ProfWoodward Zero day attacks last hundreds of days before detection. Empirical data from Symantec written up in a nice paper here

… and 2 secure Operating Systems
SCADAhacker ‏@SCADAhacker Eugene Kaspersky Unveils Plans for New Secure SCADA OS – ThreatPost –  #SHnews good interview with Eugene on the project

Janne Ahlberg ‏@JanneFI RT @JussiPeralampi: Whonix : Virtual anonymous operating system

*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from Punto 1 authored by Matteo Cavallini. Read the original post at: